How do campaign rewards work?

Starting to do more PvP and realise that I still don't quite understand how campaign rewards work. This entry -
- was helpful but I wonder if it's out of date. Last month I had three toons at tier 3, each somewhere around 190 on the leaderboard. They each got three emails; it looks like they each got 50 transmute crystals for being tier 3 and (I presume from the gold) another 50 transmute crystal for being in the top 10%. The third email was a campaign loyalty reward with some cash.

Can anyone tell me how many transmutes crystals you get for what in the 30 day campaigns - is it now 50 crystals for getting tier 1, and another 50 crystals for placing on the leaderboard? I wonder if the online help is wrong.

Also, how can you tell where you are on the leaderboards - pressing L tells me my position number in my alliance (I think), but how do you see if you are in the top 10% or even top 2%

Finally, what's the third email for? - the campaign loyalty thingy. Is that for a certain amount of time, or for a certain number of months etc?


Edited by Larcomar on July 27, 2020 7:40AM
  • mikikatze
    Don't know about leader boards, but to get the container with 50 (not 1) transmutation stone you need to set the campaign you're fighting in as hour home campaign (via the house icon) and reach tier one.

    You'll maybe get more mails if your alliance won the campaign in the end?
  • Larcomar
    Sorry, yeah I know that. Was being unclear. I've edited to try and clarify crystal containers vs crystals. My question is how many containers / lumps of 50 crystals you get for what.

    Curiously, there isn't much difference between if you win or not - all my toons got three emails and the same no. of transmutes. The diff is a bit of gold and jewelry.
  • VaranisArano
    Campaign loyalty is a gold reward for sticking with one home campaign all month.
    Edited by VaranisArano on July 27, 2020 11:51AM
  • vesselwiththepestle
    As far as I know there is no way to know in which percentare you are, so you don't know for sure if you will get the purple or even golden jewelry at the end of the campaign.

    Also I noticed my placements in the leaderboard differ wildly depending on the class although having similar AP, sometimes a character with LESS AP than another could be on HIGHER placement in leaderboard with a different class. This is either a bug or except the top 10 leaderboards are class dependent. I talked with a player from my guild about it and after he started for looking for those discrepancies he noticed it on his characters, too.
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Larcomar
    Varanis - thanks, that makes sense. I was just wondering if because Id been in the campaign the previous month or something. Neither of my lowbies who went in at the end got it.

    Vessel - were they the same alliance? I noticed that my toons in different alliances were all around 190 - despite wildly different amounts of AP. Its offline now, but I think it says "place in your alliance."

    If your place in the leaderboard varies just by class, Im guessing the number is meaningless. God knows how they make the final calculation then.

    Any ideas on rewards? - I was moving towards focusing on one toon, one alliance and seeing how high I could get. But if it is max 1 transmute box for 25kAp and just 1 more for being in the top 10%, it seems a slightly skewed reward curve. Especially if you can't tell where you are on the ladder, I'll probably just play all my toons - and, indeed, prob get my naked banker toons to level 10 and stick them in for tier 1. I know you can get gold jewelry but as I don't do jewelry....

  • VaranisArano
    In looking it up, the campaign loyalty rewards might take effect the 2nd month you are in the same campaign, but its hard for me to find authoritative sources for that. I've been homed in the same campaign so long I don't remember from my own characters.
  • kringled_1
    Loyalty rewards kick in when you've played the same campaign actively the previous month as well. I have a lot of characters homed to Gray Host, but most months I will only play a couple actively there. It's a trivial amount of gold so I don't really take it into account.
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