I think the game should have 600 CP or so assigned as either Magica or Stamina as soon as you hit level 50 in order to lower the gap between low CP and high CP players, I have friends who don’t play or play on another server and the daunting task of grinding at least 5-600 CP to be competitive is just a nightmare. I don’t think theres anyone who would be opposed to it either, all it would do is make PvE content better for everyone (since you won’t have an 80CP in a vet dungeon)and make PvP playable for these players. Its hard to recommend a game to someone followed by “it will take 2-3 months before you even be the right level to play with me”. This game needs new players in to keep its player base alive but with how long the grind is to play with your friends stops many from bothering.