Red_Feather wrote: »Maybe my post is a little off topic, but I made a suggestion for changing Uppercut.
First button press does the conan sword blossom technique and drains stamina per second.
Second button press does the uppercut move.
And then blackrose 2h weapon could do something truly unique with that new uppercut.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »The black rose 2h adds an aoe effect to a single target skill but feels incredibly uninspired to me:
- its basically a worse version of the master 2h without adding anything new or interesting
- it doesnt seem very functional adding aoe capabilities to this kind of single target skill
Do you (dis)agree? Do you use it yourself? What could other effects be?
For example:
- adding a dot to the skill
- reducing the armor of the enemy hit
- other?
I actually use Whirling Defense on my soulbeast with quick draw trait. Turns it into a spammable.Nemesis7884 wrote: »Red_Feather wrote: »Maybe my post is a little off topic, but I made a suggestion for changing Uppercut.
First button press does the conan sword blossom technique and drains stamina per second.
Second button press does the uppercut move.
And then blackrose 2h weapon could do something truly unique with that new uppercut.
lol gw2 has an axe skill that basically does that and protects from projectiles while doing so, last skill, whirling defense
YandereGirlfriend wrote: »I agree with you, OP.
I don't really see the point of this set in either PvE or PvP.
In PvE, the fights that matter are nearly universally single-target and in PvP, with players moving all around at all times, you're never going to be bursting down an entire BG team with DSwing unless they are all somehow AFK.
This set and the Destruction Staff are in dire need of re-works.