Many good mornings travellers.
Khajiit has been herself for some weeks been a fully qualified level 10 antiquarian.
This one now has also trained Snowstorm to level 9, Spiny Tim to level 7 and Alderman Snowball Dugglby to level 6.
The issue is that the purple leads for the green and blue diggy that were available to this one are not available to the apprentices. Oh this is painful. Khajiit has heard so many travellers say this is painful. Levelling a second, third or subsequent apprentice in diggy really can make you just want to give up and do something else.
This one understand this though because they were a delightful source of income and she would not want her apprentices to have too much coin as it would just all get frittered away on lollipops and new hats.
Anyway this one she had one of those thought picture things about a possible way around this.
Instead of the purple leads producing a valuable treasure how about they produce a furnishing? Nothing too valuable but something you could make use of if you had multiple of them.
This one she thinks maybe the following sort of items:
Bind them if need be so there is no monetary value. The real value anyway is the diggy xp. This one would actually prefer none of the diggy furnishings to be bound but that is how it is for the present.
This way you would get something useful and you get a repeatable source of purple leads to help the pain of training up apprentices. Perhaps even add another tier of similar leads in some zones that are gold - that way you also ease the pain a bit of working through the higher levels.
This one would be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter and any suggestions you might have for the sort of purple, repeatable furnishings that you think you could make use of if you had a few of them.
Or if you have another way of easing the diggy pain and generally saving Artaeum at the same time then this one would be glad to hear it.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
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Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.
PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!