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Is it time for an 'Furniture Bag'

Will there ever be a 'Furniture Bag' like the ESO+ Craft bag?
Has this already been asked?
I'm having to delete loads as i just don't have space to store them until i need them...
Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • madarame_77
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).
    Edited by madarame_77 on July 25, 2020 8:57AM
  • Sindala
    Yeah thought of that, but i'm one of those people who forget what they have and really don't fancy "investigating" another house each time i want to place something....or forgetting and buying a duplicate.

    A bag where its all stored so it can be used in any house when required seems like an obvious incentive for the ESO+ subscription.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • RefLiberty
    It has been asked before and it has even been answered by.developers.
    It will not be implemented because compared to number of different materials types that stack, the number of different furniture types if extremely bigger and it would put to much strain server side and DB query vise, further more degrading performance, so it will not happen.

    Don't shoot the messenger, that is what they thold us.
  • Sindala
    Ahh yeah, i suppose that makes sense. There is rather alot of choice.
    Guess it's gonna have to be another house for storage then :/
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Sindala
    Or maybe a "Garden Shed" housing storage container that can hold 100 furniture pieces.....
    .....available from the cash shop of course and 1 per account ;)
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Luke_Flamesword
    Performance is only a problem with unlimited furniture bag, so they can at least give us limited container... - better this than nothing.
    PC | EU | DC |Stam Dk Breton
  • Gythral
    Isnt it call
    a house

    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • furiouslog
    psijic villa is my yard sale house!
  • Sindala
    If many people turn their text items into physical items and place them in 2nd houses....wouldn't this act as a drain on the servers?
    I know they are not "in-game" till you port to the house but surly an item id tag and everything associated with said item must be generated and sat waiting, taking up space.
    Text items are just 1 bit code lines until actually redeemed.
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Daemons_Bane
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).

    I get the part with the free house, but where are the 350 slots coming from
  • xF1REFL1x
    I store it in another house also... shouldn't have to though.
  • Langdon64
    I store types of furniture in the different inns and houses, but I rename them to what those items are. Then I just scroll through my list of homes and can see what I have without porting there. I also put the overflow in Moon Sugar Meadow. I can stand on the little hill to the left and see across to my furniture.
  • Blacknight841
    As of today are 5996 different furnishings that one can place in their house. If you exclude the 286 mounts and 310 pets, that still leaves 5400 furnishings. Assuming you have only one of each furnishing, you would need 8 manors to store all the items.

    Unfortunately, even if you support eso by buying every furnishing pack that comes out, you would need to devote 781 inventory slots, and another 43 slots for the crown store limited time item. Since they are bound and you paid for them, you wouldn't want to destroy them.

    This should have already been implemented in the game.... Considering ESO Plus was supposed "grow every year". (except the last two years where they added no new features)
    Edited by Blacknight841 on August 7, 2020 12:06AM
  • volkeswagon
    using a another house for storage isn't ideal. My coldharbour estate filled up fast.
  • kargen27
    This is one of my hoarding homes. It won an award for clutter!

    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • spartaxoxo
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).

    I get the part with the free house, but where are the 350 slots coming from

    Hall of the Lunar Champion has 350 (700) and is given to you for completing the quests.

    Edited by spartaxoxo on August 7, 2020 2:50AM
  • idk
    It has been asked for many times. I have even put forward a logical argument that would benefit Zos since players who are having inventory issues would be less likely to purchase crown store furnishing packs.

    However, Zos answered with a different logical answer. They explained that a furnishing bag would not be the same as a crafting bag as there are significantly more unique items for furnishing. As such, the server load would be greater and for that reason, they will not be adding a furnishing bag anytime soon. While it is unfortunate, I agree.
  • Daemons_Bane
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).

    I get the part with the free house, but where are the 350 slots coming from

    Hall of the Lunar Champion has 350 (700) and is given to you for completing the quests.


    So when you say slots, you are talking about how many items can be put in the house.? Or that you get another house where you can put down all the storage chests.?
  • Sindala
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).

    I get the part with the free house, but where are the 350 slots coming from

    Hall of the Lunar Champion has 350 (700) and is given to you for completing the quests.


    So when you say slots, you are talking about how many items can be put in the house.? Or that you get another house where you can put down all the storage chests.?

    Wait? can use the same storage chests in more than one house and they are not just duplicated with all the contents??
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Sindala
    Just logged in to check on storage.
    The storage chests can indeed be placed in more than one house but the contents remain the same.
    So when they are full, they are full. :(
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • TwinLamps
    Hope so, ngl
    Awake, but at what cost
  • spartaxoxo
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).

    I get the part with the free house, but where are the 350 slots coming from

    Hall of the Lunar Champion has 350 (700) and is given to you for completing the quests.


    So when you say slots, you are talking about how many items can be put in the house.? Or that you get another house where you can put down all the storage chests.?


    The furniture that can be put in the house like mirrors, tables, etc. The storage chests always have the same items in them, no matter which house you put them in. However the Lunar Champion can hold more of the storage chests than the free inns. Which makes it more convenient to check your items since you don't have to keep swapping out one storage chest for another.
  • Phanex
    I don't see why they won't let us extraction Furniture like we can everything else in game. Furniture we get from buying a home can give us nothing back like items we find laying around the game.

    Furniture we find in chests/mobs should give us items back after we extraction them.
  • LightningWitch
    Just store all unnecessary furniture in another house. For those who have elsweyr chapter there is a free house with 350 slots (700 with eso+).
    I had 4 large homes, including two given free (Grand Psijic Villa for the Summerset event a bit ago and the Elsweyr house).

    Despite these homes, I still do not have enough space for all the furniture.

    This is because most of you are thinking about taking items from *smaller* homes into bigger homes. Think the other way around, and you'll see why a furniture bag is now a necessity.

    Adding to this, I'm extremely pissed off we're constantly pushed toward subbing with the "extra space" of doing so, but out comes larger and larger homes accommodating a max of 700 items.

    It's crap, and it needs to stop. If ZOS can't expand the space for these larger homes, they need to stop selling the damn things -OR- give us ample storage for the furniture.

    This isn't rocket science. Every damn update has a new set of furniture items, and it's getting ridiculous to manage them all.

    NO ONE should have to break down furniture to make space, yet we have to in this game.

    Edited by LightningWitch on August 7, 2020 1:47PM
  • BXR_Lonestar
    They need something akin to the craft bag for furniture for sure, but it need not be accessible wherever you are. I'd be happy with a crown purchasable crate that you can set inside all of your houses where you can store everything in the crate and have access to anything inside that crate when you are in decorating mode.
  • Nerdrage9000
    I agree with the need for a furniture bag. The organization mechanism for all the furniture in the game is terribad.

    Since homes cost real $ and many furniture items are also real $ - I would think a single UI where ALL furniture items associated with an account would be a reality.

    The storage crates and storing all items in an unused home and porting in and out of that home to find things it totally half assed imo
  • richo262
    They really need to utilise the collectible system more for unique furniture. I was shocked when antiquities came out and the furniture pieces you found were not added to collectibles. It is like ZOS is either tormenting us or thinks we enjoy the ever expanding list of garbage. Same with the Zone Maps.
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