Ok, it is only just a little more than 6 months I play ESO. That said, I am a veteran gamer, especially into Fantasy / RPG genre, with more than 30 years active history.
I usually play single player games because the pace of multiplayer is too much for me. So it is no surprise I play ESO mostly solo.
I really like the game, so much that it is the only game I play now, although I quite have a large library.
Like I said, I play the games in my pace, not without a rush. But ESO, probably because an MMO, pushes me otherwise. Events are one part of this. Within such a short duration, I think I attended like four events.
But why I raised this topic is the other reason pushing me, and probably many others, to rush; officially named "fixes", but what we peasants call "nerf's".
There is a constant thing going on with nerf's; nerf skills, nerf sets, nerf CP's... It is a never ending cycle and in very quick successions.
Like I said, I am an RPG nerd with a slow pace and cling to the longevity, seek to raise my EGO step by step. So, first, I began to build my character using Mighty Chudan, it got nerf'ed even before I had a change to use it.
I am into crafting, and looking for Stuhn and New Moon, both nerf'ed.
A lot is nerf'ed in such a short period and from the forums I know that this is it since day 1.
What is the explanation? Balance! Sorry, but nothing is far from the "balance" in this game.
A guy was whining a while ago about how crafted sets are overpowered and how easy for EVERYONE to access them, like crafting is easy or those EVERYONE cannot idly run a dungeon over and over again to claim his well deserved sets.
Another whines about how a skill unbalances PvP, like before Nightblades did not overrun PvP and now Themplars doing the same.
It is a huge game and unless ZOS target to become first and ever PONG MMO, by butchering everything at hand, they just cannot accomplish anything (some say this has nothing to do with balance and just for selling new content, which I hope is not true).
There are some clever people in the forums, if ZOS care to read, approach the balance issue from a better perspective; buff whatever is considered weak. That way, ZOS can run after their holly balance crusade without ruining people's characters, their investments in the game.
I, for one, will not bother if another character raises over mine by time just because it gets better, not because my character gets butchered by numbers. And that way there will be more room to work on my character to further develop it, not just altogether abandon it.
I want stability, longevity. If ZOS wants to reward multiplayer, fine, but while doing that if they hurt my solo - or small group considering recent Stuhn butchering, this is not fine.
How about instead of nerfing them, we buff other classes accordingly?