Hello all,
I'm sure this question has been answered before, but I'm far too lazy to search it up, and I'm planning on returning to Elder Scrolls Online.
Let me start of by saying I've beat the main game once on Ebonheart, pretty much stopped playing until the Dark Brotherhood came out, which was the ONLY expansion/DLC I've ever dabbled with.
So coming back after "X amount of years", I figured screw it, seen a new class (to me anyways), the Necromancer, and the Warden which is also new to me, yet, not as appealing as a necromancer. So I decided to buy everything expansion pack wise.
So I do plan on starting a new character, on Ebonheart again, since I'm familiar, or think I am anyways, with their quest lines, so I can just speed through the Storyline, and head onto the expansions. Yes, I am one of those people who feel the need to do absolutely everything in order, even though the game lets you go off and do your own thing, it just doesn't sit well with me at all for some reason.
So, knowing what I plan on doing, and knowing how few DLC/expansions I've actually done (The whole Champion point system was new last I played). How many hours can I expect the story/quests to take me? Was it worth the purchase? (As Subjective as that may be)