[PC][NA] The Disciples of Nirn, a small but growing guild, LEO and VETERANS welcome!

The Disciples of Nirn is a guild comprised of mostly LEO and Veterans, but non LEO and Vets are welcome too of course. I'm a current LEO and an Infantry vet. We aren't very large yet, but we do play very regularly. We have a Discord and many of us do talk in the voice chat. We have a weekly raffle with rotating prizes as well. There's a pretty equal amount of PVP and PVE players in the guild, and many are willing to help teach and run people through the things they haven't done yet. If you're interested, either drop your ESO name in the comments, or you can send me a mail on ESO at Dwag1122!
Edited by Dwag1122 on July 30, 2020 12:09AM
  • Dwag1122
    We're slowly getting bigger! We have members from every branch at this point and many LEOs as well. We don't require any dues what so ever! Send me a mail on ESO or put your username on here and I will send you an invite!
  • Dwag1122
    I see a lot of people viewing this but not joining. I know there’s a lot more of LEO and also Veterans who play this game. You won’t regret joining the guild!
  • Dwag1122
    People are joining, we have tripled in size, come on, come join us
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