tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »Magplar was my first serious PvE class, so I'd recommend it as a good learning class. It offers the most different DPS playstyles (Creativity) including melee, ranged, DoT builds, and different flex spots. The ranged execute is REALLY nice. I would place Warden second on that, as I often change my skills around depending on how much I feel a trial or dungeon group needs a bit more utility, heals, or buffs. But all Wardens use Scorch as a core skill in PvE, and usually PvP.
Magplar's burstiest non-ultimate skill is Dark Flare, which is like Magicka snipe. Magden and Mag Necro get a big AoE burst every 3 seconds, and Mag Necro has the burstiest ult of the three IMO.
But I think in combination, Magden has the most AoE Burst, mobility, and different kinds of support. Necro has some group support but it's mostly heals or debuffs, and it has no mobility skills. But Magden lacks a bursty class AoE ult (can still use Chilling Comet from Mages Guild or destro staff ult)— Magplars get a cheap one that you get to use often, while Mag Necros get a big fat one that's best when the whole group coordinates around it
GL picking! I think they can all do most of what you want, just in different ways
ESO_Nightingale wrote: »Sounds like you want a magden because of the aoe burst, speed, huge tooltips and support skills. but we don't use many class damage skills in pvp (in pve they are all used with the exception of arctic wind because that's not really a damage skill at the moment) because most of them are pretty meh, in pvp i actually use Dawnbreaker of Smiting as my main damage ultimate, because it's burst is far more reliable than bear, higher than northern storm (which offers great pressure so it's a great option anyway). One of the issues with the class, is, if you want to play solo (which isn't really recommended) you are basically required to run a fire staff, instead of the aoe boosting shock staff in order to get a reliable albeit frustrating(it can sometimes knock enemies out of your burst) offensive stun from flame clench, as your class stun, "arctic blast" is only good as a defensive stun skill when people are on you attacking you.
Mag warden, esp. if you crutch on proc sets. Next patch procs going to be broken...
Mag templar got hit hard by that "10%" healing nerf in PvP, and in reality it's not 10 or even 20%, it's much more since it seems to apply to the base amount of healing before modifier. I went from a 33K Honor the Dead to a measly 21K.
ZOS if you're reading, thanks for nerfing a skill too hard -- that really makes it balanced when I can still heal greater than that number on my warden after the HoT expires, plus have other, better heals than my magtemplar and free purify. Balance