Fata1moose wrote: »Anyone else disappointed by the lack of a Falmer dungeon in the Q3 update? I felt they were severely underutilized in the Greymoor chapter and I was looking forward to some combat encounters in veteran dungeons where they lived for more than 0.5 seconds. A dungeon consisting of Chaurus reapers, hunters and Falmer had potential, sprinkle in some Snow Elf lore and it would have been intriguing. Instead we're getting yet another Werewolf dungeon when they are already heavily featured in March of Sacrifices and Moon Hunter Keep.
I wanted both to get much more, so I'm fine with that. Seems like most just want to put werewolf in a corner to forget about.
Fata1moose wrote: »Anyone else disappointed by the lack of a Falmer dungeon in the Q3 update? I felt they were severely underutilized in the Greymoor chapter and I was looking forward to some combat encounters in veteran dungeons where they lived for more than 0.5 seconds. A dungeon consisting of Chaurus reapers, hunters and Falmer had potential, sprinkle in some Snow Elf lore and it would have been intriguing. Instead we're getting yet another Werewolf dungeon when they are already heavily featured in March of Sacrifices and Moon Hunter Keep.
To be fair the chapter is about werewolves/vampires/witches.
Not falmer.
I wanted both to get much more, so I'm fine with that. Seems like most just want to put werewolf in a corner to forget about.
Werewolves have gotten more content than both vampires and falmer - so not sure where the idea that they are neglected comes in. They had an entire update and dungeon dlc dedicated to them alone - plus they are a main feature in this years stuff alongside witches and vamps.
I think if anything, they are more catered to than any of the other "supernaturals" in this game. Again, I have two werewolves, so I'm not saying they need to disappear, but they certainly don't need the spotlight as much as other things.