Pts Monday update 27 ( skill changes)

I hope for a Stam frags. Stam whip. Class finisher for all classes. Sorc spammebel. Nb burst heal. Maybe a third morph option. The warden bear ultimate changes Etc.....

And some pasive need to be changed also...

What are you're thoughts or hopes for our future eso gameplay?
  • idk
    Keep hope alive.
  • Firstmep
    Dont think we will see any massive changes.
  • colossalvoids
    Pretty sure nothing from the list comes, and things like stam frag or stam whip are surely not on a map anytime... Ever? Stamsorc got nb gimmick and stamdk got a fiery mudball so pretty much zos feels it's ok.

    And as far as i can remember all classes that should have a finisher already have one (passive ones count, and you don't want a finisher for already overturned stamplar or magdk don't you?), some are not that great compared to weapon options but anyway.
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