big_ear_midget wrote: »I watched the twitch stream earlier, and then I had to go to work...I believe i saw where a 2 person mount was going to be released? A dwarven spider i believe...
This will be nice for a PvPers with new toons that don't have Maximum speed on the mount, they will be able to catch a faster ride.
And provides just the excuse they need to make Rapids much harder to obtain, forcing both stam and mag characters to do PvP to acquire.
And don’t expect it to available anywhere but the Crown Store or more probably gamble boxes.
Nothing good about it.
Donny_Vito wrote: »
Are you saying they are reworking the PvP skill lines so Rapids is not the first one you get just from entering Cyrodiil and completing the quest?
JamieAubrey wrote: »2 manned mounts split into 20 parts and only obtainable in Vet Hardmode Trials and only the tank can get them in a 0.00000000002% Drop
But no, expect it to be split into parts like the Dwarven Wolf scattered throughout the 2 new dungeons