The ideas do not sound that interesting, at least to a player who's second character rolled is a sorc.
Further, it seems to come from not being familiar with the history of the class. The Volatile Familiar used to explode when it as killed or unsummoned. It was common to have it on one bar and swap bars to make it explode. Zos tossed that design into the trash years ago.
Heck the idea with mages fury makes it useless in anything but boss fights. It would be a trash skill in most other situations. Most targets are not below 20% health for very long. The idea sounds very weak to me.
The crystal frag suggestion would make another skill useless.
I agree with @Fur_like_snow that this idea sounds like a nerf sorc thread.
Fur_like_snow wrote: »Is this a nerf sorc thread?
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
the frag and curse changes just give you the same damage output but you use a lightning staff on a shock mage now
The main damage from the frags is single target so it would not be buffed by the lightning staff. As such the loss of that 33% additional damage when the skill is procced would be significant.
Further, the rest of the comments hold solid as well. I agree with the others that this appears more like a nerf sroc thread.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
Most of the ideas are to change the theme to a highly mobile ranged caster and allowing more build diversity with the way shields are calculated.
You just stated one of the changes is to push the sorc to less build diversity by making a lightning staff that much more appealing.
So it does not seem to be adding build diversity based on specific comments you have made.
Further, since the idea makes it so Conjured Ward now does not stack with Annulment is a further sign that the idea is to restrict build diversity. Since shields are capped by max health the addition of scaling with spell damage as a means to compensate is useless.
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
oops i meant to keep the increased damage and it would function the way meteor does where its a full AoE but the radius would be negligible so its full buffed by the lightning staff but its mainly a just for single target applications and the only "nerfs" would be the pets functioning like every other pet in the game but maybe im just dumb
ItsNotLiving wrote: »
adding a sorcerer spam skill opens up dw or 2h or you could run fire to buff youre spammable thats ST or lightning to buff your procced frag
Sounds like a sarcastic "nerf sorc" post to me.
Other wise, sorcerers are fine. Unless you run into a really good one, they are average in pvp. If you run into a good one, they probably would have tuned you up on any class. If you lose to an average one, well that is entirely on you. The same goes for stamina sorc. A really good one will eat you alive, but they are completely outclassed by stamina Necromancer and Warden, classes that were designed with stamina in mind from the start.
They are average magicka dps, average healers, and weak tanks in pve.
Honestly - terrible ideas
MagSorc is one of the few remaining mag spec, which are completive in solo pvp when fighting against stamina builds, please leave it alone
All this stuff "force magsorcs to use lighting staves" - pls no. We already have 2 classes which are forced to use lightning staves (Magden, macro), and they both are considered to be the worst for solo PvP (what a coincidence).
I also butthurt from "more stamina morphs". Look at magnecro, it has stamina morphs for (almost?) any dmg skill, resulting into the class being a walking destro skillline in pvp
In the meantime, it's stamina counterpart is №1 PvP spec, since additionally to stamina class toolkit it has access to cool weapon skills, while macro has access to elemental blockade, reach and drain (lul)
tl;dr If you want to test your changes - go solo play magnecro in Cyrodiil and come back to report your impressions
The only change I want for sorc is to allow their pet summons to remain active with their skills on only a single weapon bar..
This could extend to warden as well honestly.
martijnlv40 wrote: »
Although this seems fun, this would make pets way too strong. As it is, a non-petsorc is not worth running. With this change it becomes even more broken. The petsorcs are in a good place now however, so I'd say that the non-petsorc needs a buff.
Actually, I'm gonna make a thread about that now.
I like the ideas of changing how pets function. They always felt pretty annoying to use because they're kind of a set and forget ability that annoys other people almost as much as it annoys you to keep them alive and active, and they use valuable double-bar space on a class that's already gasping for more. Making them more like modern necro pets would be an interesting mix up to breathe life back into those skills. I'd probably try them out again, anyway. I don't agree with all the changes on the pet front, but that's what caught my eye.
I also -- and I said this before in your other thread -- think that changing the way shields scale needs to happen. You don't have to make them exclusive or buff their size, just make it so that if I build spell damage I can get the same size of shield like I'd gone max mag. That'd be really cool.
The rest of the changes I don't like. Adding an AoE to frags seems arbitrary and doesn't vibe with sorc's current specialization (single target burst), and both curse and frags have AoE options in their morphs already. Why not change those? You also made our terrible execute even worse, somehow, and nerfed mines, which is amusing to me because no one uses that skill already. Additionally, changing streak and dark deal with what you suggested would be catastrophically bad for the class, and not even just magsorc. Just leave the way those abilities work alone. They don't need fixing.
Letting shields scale with spell damage will just remove the last unique mechanic sorcerer has or at least streamline yet another thing. Then, every class will be built exactly the same. Just stack spell damage since magicka is vastly inferior to spell damage. It would completely remove any reason to even add magicka to builds.
This is something that should never change. Pets scaling with spell damage is something I could understand, but even there I am a trifle choosey. I hope this never happens.
So you're okay with the class having little to no build diversity? Personally, I hate it. I really don't like only being able to choose between a measly 4 or so sets. I understand that its something unique to magsorc, but is that actually a good thing? Consistent mechanics make a good game -- ALL other spells that cost magicka tend to scale with spell power -- and shields are extremely unintuitive thanks to the confusing way health and magicka fight eachother for the right to set the cap. Why are shields the exception? I've spent hours trying to maximize shield size in a build editor only for it to come out completely different in the live game. They're wildly confusing, even for someone who has played the class for years.
Magicka Sorcerer might eventually meet the same fate as more and more of its abilities cater to the stamina overlords. And those whiners have no clue what a top tier class stamina sorcerer already is in no cp pvp with the correct build and playstyle. I dread to see it buffed further. Meanwhile Magsorc is a complete pushover in most cases.
Yet still, Necromancer is off even worse at least when it comes to its offensive kit. Stamina Necromancer does it all better. Stamina classes have several top weapon lines available with abilities and passives almost exclusively balanced around pvp. While magicka is stuck with 1 weapon line of mediocre and replacable abilities and mostly niche or pve passives.
Destruction staff is in need of major buffs to help out all magicka specs. Probably not even Necromancers and Wardens would have much use of it if it wasn't for the master staff. This weapon pretty much keeps the entire skill line on life support.
Allowing penetrating magic to work with all abilities while holding a staff and changing Destruction Expert to provide some fix magicka regeneration instead of magicka return on kills would go a long way of making this a worthy weapon for magicka builds. Even if just as a stat stick. Allowing light and heavy attacks to produce associated elemental effects would also be nice. I never understood why this was not possible. I personally do not use a single destruction staff ability anymore.
Er, might I ask what abilities of sorcs have been taken away from Mag and given to Stam? Not sure if you're perhaps referring to something from a long time ago but the only recent skill that was changed specifically to "cater" more to stamsorc was clannfear, which was (and still is really) a tank-oriented ability.
I would be inclined to agree, as I do with much of what has been stated for sorcs in regards to the suggested rework, but that in particular is going well over my head. Especially since what is generally asked for when it comes to stam morphs for stamsorcs are an Air Atronach and a stam version of Crystal Blast, both of which would replace morphs generally not used compared to the other Magicka morphs. Not much being taken away really... There are other suggestions including making a Stam morph of Curses (which never made sense to me anyway) but as far as I'm concerned, those are the only two that are 'necessary'. Stamsorc only has two class abilities that deal Physical Damage (BA being a recentish change too) and an ultimate isn't one, which isn't the case for every other class. I feel like in PvP that change isn't gonna be too much different than what the Greater Storm Atronach does (especially if the stun on arrival would be removed). Same for a stam version of Crystal Blast, which may or may not replace Dizzying Swing in PvP, but at least it would proc Exploitation for group play in general so they're actually bringing something else to the table.
If those are changed, nothing else would need to be changed for stam really. Well, there's still the matter of the passives but welp. (Also wtf never knew Piercing Cold's bonus got doubled. And yet Energized...)