A little reflection on the updated IC daily quests after the 2020 Midyear Mayhem.
For the most part, theses update were great. Nice that I didn't have to grind out the main quest on newer toons, and the updates do make the quests easier to do... with 1 exception. Maybe it's because I'm EP, but the Memorial district quest seemed to draw the zergs like crazy. This resulted in 1 of 2 equally bad situations -
1. Every Xivkyn is dead. Many times I found the entire Memorial district enemy free. Which is bad if you need to kill 2 Xivkyn, and a zerg is clearing the district for a half hour. This isn't too bad - it's easy to move on to a different district, just annoying.
2. Nothing is dead and you need to put geodes in a skeleton. There are only 4 possible skeletons to use, and they are in the center. All are surrounded by multiple Xivkyn and Wormcult Bannermen (harder to skill than the Xivkyn...) , quite a bit to kill just to finish this quest. Which means it's easier for gankers and zergs to gank people just trying to get tickets.
Yes, I know I don't *have* to do this quest, but EP's other "home" zone is Arena, which seems to be the second favorite zone of the zergs and gankers. I appreciate that ZOS removed the frustration of trying to get a geode into a skeleton at all; but replaced it with a different frustration.
Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on July 5, 2020 8:59PM