Played Khajiit for a long time now, and the race... has had its ups and downs. To say the least. Im not sure for instance why khajiit, of all races, have the heighest health regen stat. But, irreguardless, i think they should change these two factors:
Buff the Lunar Blessing passive to 1000 1000 1000. Personally, i think it should be even more, like 1250. But, using Nord and Orc as an example, it seems the class baseline is 3,000 total stats. So, not only should we buff Khajiit, we really need to buff classes like Altmer as well, who fall short of that line too.
And, Feline Ambush. I really, really, dont like this skill. A: it shoves khajiit into a box for pvp, and B: it makes no sense. How many Famous Khajiiti assassins have you heard of? Or great Khajiiti healers? I think this racial passive should reflect the varied nature of khajiit, and be like 5 different +1% skills. Like, +1% weapon damage, crit chance, armor, etc etc.
Its just a bit off that khajiit are supposed to be a varied race for any build, but their strongest passive shoves them into the box of nightblade.