The New Elven Chronology. List of Dates.

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This thread is created to discuss the dates of the Dawn Era - 1E 668 within the New Elven Chronology Theory, to share the community's insights on the dates of different TES events in Tamriel's history, to add new entries, offer better ideas, to form the true timeline of TES history (in opposition to Aicantar's Chronology). The dates list in the original post will be updated and edited in the process of our further research, so those, who are willing to participate - please, you are welcome, I appreciate your contribution to develop the theory further on. It's hard to do it alone.

Please, read the theory itself and on the method used to calculate the dates here. If you find some entry below incorrect, please, first read the further entries for your question might be answered down there. Thank you, mates!


Dawn Era, ? - ME 2500
* The Tamrielic animals (cats, goblins, lizards etc.) transform into various sentient Beastfolks:
- the Khajiit - "The more commonly held belief, however, is that they were not foreign intelligent creatures who became cats to survive the hostile, arid land of Elsweyr, but they were indigenous cats whose knack for change allowed them to survive while other native creatures declined and disappeared.";
- the Orcs (goblins, as I suppose) - "Orcs were born during the latter days of the Dawn Era.";
- the Argonians - the first civilization in Tamriel the history gives us the details on. They develop their own Argonian Magic, the first tamrielic religion based on a simple and horrific worship of the most ancient entity of all, Sithis - Sithis the Destroyer (listen to the words of their modern Nisswo - the priests of Sithis); they had weapons that "could be used to destroy whole villages. They turned crops to ash and created undead horrors out of" their enemies. They build magnificent xanmeers, their "cities of shadow and blood" - the oldest buildings in Tamriel, older than the Adamantine Tower. They create the very first Tamrielic civilization itself ("Ages ago, the Argonians built pyramids called xanmeers and were much more advanced. Most of our research deals with the more dangerous relics of that period", "Keystones are found in many of the Barsaebic Ayleid ruins .. artifacts that were Ayleid in nature, but not Ayleid in origin. .. Nowhere else in Tamriel have any keystones been found; they are connected with Argonian history ..".) ruled by their Nisswo-Kings, who made bloody sacrifices to Sithis.
* The species of Ehlnofey spring up and flourish - "A large fragment of the Ehlnofey world landed on Nirn relatively intact, and the Ehlnofey living there were the ancestors of the Mer. These Ehlnofey fortified their borders from the chaos outside, hid their pocket of calm, and attempted to live on as before.".
* Time passed and the Ehlnofey began to degenerate becoming the Aldmer-Ayleids - "Each generation was weaker than the last, and soon there were Aldmer.".
* But soon the era, later called by the Mer as the Dawn Era, turned out to be the Duskfall to the Argonian civilization. The war of the Ehlnofey described in the Annotated Annuad bears many striking parallels with the war between Lorkhan and Auriel described in the Monomyth, and the texts are likely summarizing the same events from different historiographical perspectives. Both perspectives show two warring parties of the Wandering Ehlnofey (the ancestors of Men), Old Ehlnofey (the ancestors of Mer) and the Hist trees mentioned as the bystanders. But the Hist had nothing common with the Argonians in the pre-Duskfall times: "The tale of Shuxaltsei's betrayal and fall is a reminder not to stray from the guiding boughs of the Hist. Her way is the old way, from before the fall. We were less mindful of the cycle of change and gave only to the Void. When the Hist revealed the true path to us, she chose to break the branch of her bond rather than turn back, or so the story goes." So the war ended: the remnants of the Wandering Ehlnofey "dragged Lorkhan's body away and swore blood vengeance on the heirs of Auriel for all time" - they "were left divided on the other 3 continents". Argonians as well as all the other beastfolks are never mentioned in the wars of the Ehlnofey as a fighting party, but the result of that war is known to Nisswo I referenced above: no longer "did the Argonians fear the one truth of Sithis the Destroyer, but instead worshipped the many truths of Sithis the Changer, or 'Raj-Sithis'. Nisswo no longer ruled as kings from stone citadels or instilled a singular version of Sithis to be feared, but instead served as humbled priests that spoke the many truths of Sithis". The post-Duskfall times are the period of massive ideological shift happened in the Argonian society - "it was the Hist, who longed for our company, for the patter of our feet atop their roots". So.. The War ended with the Old Ehlnofey victory - they remained in Tamriel, drove away the ancestors of Men and the once powerful Argonian civilization lost it's power, knowledge and downgraded to a primitive tribal society we know today.
* The Dawn Era ended with the White Gold Tower constructed - ".. ME2500 was the date of construction of the Adamantine Tower on Balfiera Island in High Rock, the oldest known structure of Tamriel."
- Before letting the Wandering Ehlnofey drag the body of dead Lorkhan, Auriel tore out his Heart. The blood dropping from it was used to create the Chim-el Adabal - "The Amulet of the Kings of Glory, pendant of the red diamond Chim-el Adabal, Ayleid relic of Divine investiture." The body of Lorkhan was left to the Wandering Ehlnofey while his Heart was brought to Red Mountain to be buried forever in it's crater (for as we know, the arrows shot by a common mortal using Auriel's Bow can reach the sun - the arrow with the Heart tied to it could barely fall being shot by a god in spite of what legends tell us in those books). To commemorate victory over the Wandering Ehlnofey a monument was constructed in Heartland - "the White Gold Tower which was built many ages ago by the godless, Daedra-loving Ayleids", "Ayleids of the Heartland" - "They built their tower in open emulation of Ada-Mantia, using as Founding-Stone the great red diamond they had uncovered: Chim-el-Adabal, said to be crystallized blood from the Heart of Lorkhan itself. .. Thus did White-Gold become Tower One. As all know.". The only inconsistency here is that part on the "open emulation of Ada-Mantia" for that tower will be built much later and used just "as a fortress, prison, and palace by the infamous Direnni Hegemony". Adamantine Tower, it is called, "for the unknown, ageless material from which it is built" - but, unlike the White Gold Tower's one, the material the Direnni Tower is constructed of is well known - it's not that great. Everything tells us of the Adamantine Tower's total historical and practical insignificance - built by Pelladil Direnni by summoning an army of Stone Atronachs (possibly!) on a distant island, this tower seems to emulate the White Gold one, not vice versa. No historical events happened there with only some books telling us of some mythical "pre-Dawn Era" magnificent events and legends of doubtful nature. No purpose, no history - nothing. Nobody has ever fought seriously to get the Adamantine Tower's "Zero Stone" or to conquer it - even Molag Bal placed no anchor over it in the ESO (at least I haven't seen it). So, this fake tower is called Direnni Tower for a reason at least until the devs develop it's lore some other way. Compare it all with the history and significance of the White Gold Tower they created to understand what I mean - the books on Direnni Tower trick us.

Early Merethic Era, ME 2500 - ME~1667
* The first account that the Ayleids=Aldmer: according to Ancirinque, Sapiarch of Mythohistory, and Nolin the Many-Hued, Sapiarch of Enchantment, the Ayleid wizards were existing during this time and they began to perform experiments on the rune stones all across Tamriel - ".. runestones were already here when the Foresailor arrived from Old Aldmeris.", ".. they date from the early Merethic Era, and are the unintended consequence of an Ayleid wizard's experiment gone awry". But then again, as it is stated in the "Keystones of Loriasel", the knowledge of the "process in which Magicka is infused into stones: artifacts that were Ayleid in nature, but not Ayleid in origin" seems to be a war trophy taken by the Ayleids after their victory in the war of the Ehlnofey.

Middle Merethic Era, ME~1667 - ME~833
* The Ayleid-Aldmeri explorers "mapped the coasts of Vvardenfel, building the First Era High Elven wizard towers at Ald Redaynia, Bal Fell, Tel Aruhn, and Tel Mora in Morrowind. It was also during this period that Ayleid [Wild Elven] settlements flourished in the jungles surrounding White Gold Tower (present day Cyrodiil). Wild Elves, also known as the Heartland High Elves, preserved the Dawn Era magics and language of the Ehlnofey."

Late Middle Merethic Era, ME~1252 - ME~833
* No entry yet.

Late Merethic Era, ME~833 - 1E 0
* The Narfinsel Schism is one of the turning points of the Ayleid history - it "pitted the more conservative Aedra-worshiping Ayleid clans against those decadent yet undeniably vigorous clans that had adopted Daedra-worship."
* The first distinct Ayleid societies are separated from the majority because of the Schism. This is the time first Ayleid sub-nations of the Falmer and Dwemer were established - "The Aldmer changed over time culturally according to their new environments, being at first temperamentally and then physically very distinct "races" separate from one another. The ones who stayed in Summerset became known as the Altmer; in Valenwood, Bosmer; in Morrowind, Chimer and Dwemer; .. This disparate chorus may have been crafted consciously by the Daedra or by the shifts of the earthbones, but the reason why is not necessary for this history. Change they did."
* The first signs of the Dwemer - "The earliest Dwemer Freehold colonies date from this period." The Dwemer leave Cyrodiil as a result of the Narfinsel Schism. Most of the Skyrim and Solstheim Dwemeri cities are built, the Dwemer civilization rises quickly and spreads all over the lands of Skyrim and High Rock. Lands in Skyrim are shared with another Ayleid-Aldmeri nation of the Falmer who left Cyrodiil because of their Aedra-worshipping customs.
* Men appear in Tamriel - "New archeological excavations date the earliest human settlements in Hammerfell, High Rock, and Cyrodiil at ME800-1000, centuries earlier than Ysgramor, even assuming that the twelve Nord "kings" prior to Harald were actual historical figures."
* Men begin constant raids - "For hundreds of years in the Merethic Era, raiders crossed the Sea of Ghosts to invade Tamriel from the frozen lands of Atmora, becoming after generations of living in our land the Nords, Cyrodiils, and Bretons of today.".

First Era, 1E 0 - 1E 2920.
* 1E 0, the foundation of the Ayleid Camoran Dynasty, the beginning of the First Era - ".. the very beginning of recorded time: the date traditionally used as the start of the First Era is the founding of the Camoran Dynasty by King Eplear of Valenwood."
* 1E 139, the Falmer meet the Nord army with heavy resistance in the Rift. The Last Dragon Cult stronghold falls in the beginning of the new 1E 140th year - "At the command of Lord Harald we have swept our company to the south edge of our territories in an attempt to drive the Snow Elves up north to the main host of his forces. The first few days met with heavy resistance, but as we approached the eastern edge of Lake Honnith we have seen little and less of them."
* 1E 143, the Battle of the Moesring, the fall of the Snow Prince and the entire Falmeri state.
* 1E 143, with the fall of the last Falmeri resistance, the Nords "who claimed the land as their ancestral home" finally reached their goal - "under King Harald, the first historical Nord ruler (1E 113-221), "the Atmoran mercenaries returned to their homeland" following the consolidation of Skyrim as a centralized kingdom.". Thus in the year of 1E 143 Lord Harald was crowned the First High King of Skyrim. Skyrim was established as a new human kingdom. The Falmeri state ceased to exist. The refugees perform the exodus to the Dwemeri city-states only to be enslaved and tortured there for centuries. The Falmeri language, said to be "heavily based on the Ayleid language", fades along with the entire Falmeri culture - the history of the Falmeri civilization ends.
* 1E 184, the very first Moot of the Nords is summoned by King Harald at his mead-hall.
* 1E 198, the Narfinsel Schism. The Scouring of Wendelbek. Ayleid Civil War begins. The Daedra-worshipping Ayleids win Cyrodiil - "..the Scouring of Wendelbek, when King Glinferen of Atatar led a combined force of Daedraphile warriors against the traditionalist Barsaebics of Ayleidoon. The Barsaebics were driven out of the Heartland into northwest Argonia, and thereafter organized opposition to Daedra-worship in Cyrodiil was effectively over.". Slavery becomes extremely violent under the Daedraphiles' rule. Another account of the event depicts the legendary Fall of Trinimac - "Tradition has it that the Orcs were not born until after the Aldmer had settled the mainland, that they sprung up as a distinct race following the famous battle between Trinimac and Boethiah at the time of Resdayn."
* 1E 240 - 369, the conquests of the First Empire of the Nords. The Nords help the Nedes to conquer freedom and power and continue the construction of their Empire.Centuries of battles and raids ended in 1E 420 - "The war was finally concluded in 1E420 with the Pact of Chieftans."
* 1E 242 -243, Pelinal Whitestrake comes to Tamriel (he would have been at least 242 years old if he came in the Late Merethic Era, as Aicantar says it. But his age is never mentioned and thus there is no reason to consider him that old). Alessian Rebellion begins supported by the revanchist Aedra worshipping Ayleid forces.
* 1E 243, The Fall of White Gold Tower - "One of the earliest recorded dates, in fact, is the Fall of White Gold Tower in 1E 243, which is commonly assumed to mark the end of the Ayleids."
* 1E 243, Chaos and disorder in Ayleid society - ".. the Heartland Elves sought to find new homes elsewhere in Tamriel - to decidedly mixed success. Those who fled north into the lands once held by the Falmer were slaughtered by Nords led by the infamous Vrage the Butcher. The Barsaebics, by that time well established in Argonia, refused admittance to their former persecutors the Atatarics, and most of that clan died on an ill-fated expedition into the lands of the Cat-Men. Several clans set out on the long march through Hammerfell to the Illiac Bay and some actually made it, where they joined with (and were absorbed by) the long-established Direnni of Balfiera. Most successful—and they were more than a few—were the clans that fled southwest beneath the canopy of Valenwood.". "But more Ayleids fled to Valenwood than to all other directions combined" - this is the reason why do the Wood Elves outnumber all other Mer in Tamriel.
* 1E 243 - 482, the two centuries of constant wars - "Although Ayleid rule over all of Cyrodiil was indeed broken in 1E 243, this was only one of the most obvious stages near the end of a long decline. The first two centuries of the First Era saw increasing strife between the great Ayleid lords of Cyrodiil.".
* 1E 243, the Ayleid-Aldmeri settlers depart from Cyrodiil-Aldmeris and settle Summerset and Pyandonea - "In the Middle Merethic Era, the Aldmeri (mortals of Elven origin) refugees left their doomed and now-lost continent of Aldmeris (also known as 'Old Ehlnofey') and settled in southwestern Tamriel.". The King of Garlas Malatar Narilmor only paid lip-service to his former allies and lent neither aid nor asylum in their hour of need. Many an Ayleid army perished cursing his name., the survivors settled in the isle of Auridon - the voyage performed by the High Lord Torinaan the Foresailor who sailed to the northern coast of the isle and set foot at a site called Nine-Prow Landing.
* 1E 243, Torinaan and Quendeluun become the first Ayleid settlements in Auridon.
* 1E 243 - 266, the Summerset Isle is settled, the Crystal Tower is built.
* 1E ~243, the Aldmeri (Ayleidic) ancestors of the Maormer leave Aldmeris too under the command of King Orgnum who's said to be the Serpent God of the Satakal - "Translations of tapestries in the Crystal Tower reveal that the great Maormer race is directly descended from the purest strain of our Aldmeri ancestors. We certainly did not come from Summerset, but originated in our ancestral homeland of Aldmeris.". It is also supported by the Ilayas Ruins - a set of Ayleid ruins in western Malabal Tor - "Like the High Elves, the Sea Elves also came from Old Aldmeris. But where the Altmer settled in the paradise of Summerset, the Maormer ended up in low, marshy, and insect-infested Pyandonea — and the Sea Elves have never forgiven the High Elves for it."
* 1E 243 - 246, Prophet Veloth leads his folk north-east from Cyrodiil to the lands of modern Morrowind - "The Late Middle Merethic Era is the period of the High Velothi Culture. .. The Chimer clans followed the Prophet Veloth out of the ancestral Elven homelands in the southwest to settle in the lands now known as Morrowind. Despising the secular culture and profane practices of the Dwemer, the Chimer also coveted the lands and resources of the Dwemer, and for centuries provoked them with minor raids and territorial disputes.".
* 1E 243 - 246, the Chimer stop the Nedic pursuit summoning the Brothers of Strife and destroying the rebellious invaders. As the Chimeri General Balreth said - "The Nedes besieged our cities and burned our farms. .. We drew a line in the ash. At this temple, we declared we would go no further". His brother Legate Sadal - "All my life I fought for the Chimer. I skirmished with Dwemer and drove beasts from the Ashlands, until a greater threat loomed. .. Our homeland, everything we'd fought to build, was about to fall to these vile humans. There could be no peace with the Nedes. .. The Chimer were powerful. We thought we could face any challenge. Even at the end, we were arrogant and proud. I wonder what the lens of history will show when our people look back on this day? Will my brother and I be remembered as the saviors of our race? Or will we be known as monsters and horrors?"
* 1E 246, King Vrage the Gifted made the first priority of his Empire the liberation of his long-tormented kinsmen in High Rock. The Nords invade the lands of modern High Rock and found Daggerfall - "The first use of the name Daggerfall to refer to the area around the current capitol was most probably in the 246th year of the 1st Era. The north half of the Illiac Bay, in fact all of the current province of High Rock, was conquered by invading Nords who brought a rough sort of civilization with them.".
* 1E 246 - 369, the High Velothi Culture falls due to the invasion of the Nords, Nords ocuppy Ebonheart as well as the rest of the land and begin to perform raids - "During this period, Velothi high culture disappeared on Vvardenfell Island. .. Degenerate Velothi devolved into tribal cultures which, in time, evolved into the modern Great Houses of Morrowind, or persisted as the barbarian Ashlander tribes. The only surviving traces of this tribal culture are scattered Velothi towers and Ashlander nomads on Vvardenfell Island. The original First Era High Elven wizard towers along the coasts of Tamriel were also abandoned about this time.".
* 1E 266, Alessia dies. Her son, King Belharza fights hordes of Ayleids.
* 1E 300 - 361, the Ayleids are driven off from human-ruled lands - "In the early 300s, the surviving Ayleid communities in human-ruled areas were obliterated one by one, the refugees temporarily swelling the power of the remaining Ayleid lordships.".
* 1E 340, the Ayleid of Valenwood establish trade contacts with the Alessians - ".. the Bosmer welcomed escaped slaves from the Ayleids, and then Ayleids fleeing the Alessian rebellion, and finally the new Empire itself, forming a trade treaty in 1E 340 with men who had only recently thrown off the brutal Ayleid yoke.".
* 1E 361, Prophet Marukh questions the validity of Elven rule, Alessian Order established - "Then in 361, the Alessians gained control of the Empire and enforced the Alessian Doctrines throughout its domain. The Ayleid lordships were abolished.".
* 1E 361 - 511, the period of Alessian Order's power. The Ayleid records and it's chronicles are burned. This is the period the history was first rewritten - "The Alessians had systematically burned all the libraries they could find, and their own records were largely destroyed during the War of Righteousness"; "Alessian Order actually lasted only about 150 years, rather than the famous "one thousand and eight years" given by the Encyclopedia Tamrielica. The "mystery" of the millennial-plus rule of the Alessians was accepted but unexplained until the spread of the Lorkhan cults in the late 3rd era, when the doctrine of the Dragon Break took hold. Because this dating (and explanation) was so widely held at the time, and then repeated by historians down through today, it has come to have the force of tradition. Recall, however, that the 3rd era historians were already separated from the Alessians by a gulf of more than 2,000 years. And history was still in its infancy, relying on the few archives from those early days".
* 1E 369, the First Wild Hunt. The death of King Borgas of Winterhold. Civil War in Skyrim. Skyrim lost High Rock and Morrowind. The Ayleid of Valenwood ultimately transformed into the Bosmer.
* 1E 372, the ultimatum of Emperor, all Ayelids, including those who supported Alessia, leave Cyrodiil.
* 1E 374, the last Ayleid city falls to Alessian troops.
* 1E 374 - 484, the last Ayleid activities.
* 1E 393, the Ayleid forces of Malada afflict "the land such that no man could plow, or reap, or seed". They are defeated by the Alessian Order forces.
* 1E 416, the Nords are defeated in Resdayn, the First Council is established.
* 1E 420, Clan Rourken leaves Resdayn to found Volenfell.
* 1E ~440 - ~648, Clan Kragen leaves Resdayn to found the first Dwemeri city in Skyrim - Arkngthamz. Other clans follow the Kragens to found the other Dwemeri cities in Skyrim.
* 1E ~ 440 - 500s, the Dwemer city-states in Skyrim collapsed as the result of the Aetherium Wars - "The end, when it came, was swift. In the span of three short years, the great dwarven cities of Skyrim, from Markarth to the Velothi Mountains, fell before the armies of the High King. Cities that had held fast against the Nords for over a hundred years crumbled abruptly and without warning. For centuries, scholars have marveled at the sudden collapse of the Dwemer city-states. Even the Nords seem to have been taken by surprise, though their chroniclers were quick to ascribe their success to King Gellir's inspired tactics and the blessings of Shor.".
* 1E 440 - 482, the Ayleids besiege Mzulft in search for the Wrathstone, but to no success - "Mzulft was plagued by conflict in the years surrounding that account. The city repelled attacks from the Nords, Ayleids, and even neighboring Dwemer clans.", "The Dwemer reclaimed Mzulft from the Nords and were thriving before their ultimate disappearance".
* 1E 480, Clan Direnni pushes back the Alessians - "In the 480th year of the First Era, the great Aiden Direnni won many battles against the Alessian horde, and many passages and routes that had once been closed were now open.".
* 1E 482, Ayleid power over High Rock and in the rest of Tamriel ends at the Battle of Glenumbra Moors. The Ayleid cities, destroyed and abandoned during the past two centuries, turn into ruins.
* 1E 500s, the first known Altmeri expansion - the Corelanya Clan members "arrived sometime in the sixth century 1E, inhabiting and expanding on structures originally built by the Ayleids".
* 1E 668, Battle of Red Mountain. All the Dwemer on Nirn disappear. The descendants of the Ayleid civilization, the Dunmer, Altmer and the Bosmer, are scattered across Tamriel. They refuse to reclaim their ancestral lands and begin to build their own realms in the far corners of Tamriel. Men begin to rule the land having performed the oath of their ancestors, the Wandering Ehlnofey, sworn in the Dawn Era.
Edited by Aigym_Hlervu on January 21, 2021 5:46PM
  • myskyrim26
    Awesome job!
    I have some thoughts, as I'm a big fan of Ayleids. I need to study your method before putting any meaningful comments. It is very interesting and promising. And - really great job done!
  • Hotdog_23
    Interesting reading thanks for sharing.

    Be safe and have fun :)
  • Eporem
    Maybe this will become a book in-game :) - a perspective authored by perhaps an Elven Historian whose life's quest was to find the truth of Altmeris.

  • Aigym_Hlervu
    Thank you, guys :). @Eporem, that would be honor to me to write one or several in-game books (for free, of course) to describe my theory in short there, if the devs would offer such an option to me and then implement such a book into the game. "The New Elven Chronology by Cygemai Hlervu" ;) without any titles to make it viewed as just another perspective, another model of the Elven history since it is based on the very same lore with only the chronology changed :).

    @myskyrim26, I've never been a fan of Ayleids like you, but this is what my research showed - everything circles around them. This was not my wish to make them that proto-race, but a result of those in-game books and out-of-game canon sources study, and much traveling on Nirn in different TES games. It's very good you specialize on the Ayleid culture - you might know much more than I do there, so together we might find something thrilling. I appreciate any help in developing the theory, so everyone is welcome! I've made another post here in the theory discussion thread - it might contain some useful information to better understand the theory, to ask yourself some new questions, if you find it interesting. Now let's get back to the dates - if you find something interesting, post it here and I'll make a new entry in the list. Thank you much!
    Edited by Aigym_Hlervu on July 7, 2020 1:07AM
  • Aigym_Hlervu

    Developers' "Ask Us Anything: Variety Pack 4", 05/06/2013 - "Elves live two to three times as long as humans and the “beast-races” (Orcs, Khajiiti, Argonians). A 200-year-old Elf is old; a 300-year-old Elf is very, very old indeed. Anyone older than that has prolonged his or her lifespan through powerful magic."

    My research showed that Morrowind was conquered by the First Empire of Nords sometime in 1E 246 - 369 (Imperial date is 1E 240 - not too far away from my calculation). According to Vivec's Sermon 9 and King Edward, Part X it was a devastating war - the Nords destroyed at least 4 Dwemeri strongholds and 29 Chimeri settlements, occupied Ebonheart, etc. After years of guerilla warfare Morrowind elected the Hortator and drove the Nords away either in 1E 401 or 1E 416 (1E 416 is a more common date). Since Nerevar was not a lich or kind of a magically enchanted Telvanni, he should have been 15-16 years old at least by the time of 1E 416. Only that way he could somehow survive up to the Battle of Red Mountain (1E 668) and fight there at the age of 267 years at least - this is the age of an 89-year-old human! Keep in mind that there are no accounts of any magical intervention and that he was not a Telvanni mage. An old mer still fighting that effectively another old mer (Voryn Dagoth. Vivec - "He was of Lord Nerevar's generation, older than we..")?.. I doubt you ever find an art depicting Nerevar being that old ;). Back in 1E 416 he was a kid - a child Hortator? A kid who made deals with the Dwemer? Well, Wulfharth, who's said to be one of those greatest demon chieftains of the frigid west, one of the five, in their unholy number, was not even born by 1E 416 (if only his story is not faked by Vivec). Hoag Merkiller, one of those "Unholy Five", would have been an 82 years old axe swinging retiree by the time of the Battle of Glenumbra Moors, 1E 482 - the year when he fell. There are neither accounts of any children fighting in that war nor any accounts of such old men fighting those battles. I tried to restore historical order and find some better dates for that anti-Nord war, but to no success - both the dates of the formation of the First Council and the Battle of Red Mountain are correct. So I suppose the devs should either increase the life spans to all races, explane the aging process or.. Implement more transparent references to Nerevar's very old age into the lore :).
    Edited by Aigym_Hlervu on July 18, 2020 8:07PM
  • Eporem
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Awesome job!
    I have some thoughts, as I'm a big fan of Ayleids. I need to study your method before putting any meaningful comments. It is very interesting and promising. And - really great job done!

    I would like to know more about the Ayleids as well..

    If they named themselves why didn’t they name themselves mer. - or did someone else name them. They are known as the Heartland Elves, the Wild Elves, but not with the mer ending, like Altmer, Bosmer Dwemer, Falmer, Maormer, Chimer.

    I ‘think’ the number 8 means something to them - they are obsessed with this number?

    Strife eventually occurred amoung them in who it was they wanted to follow - Human, Daedra or Aedra? so separation began

    The last King of the Ayleids returned to help Meridia - though how he returned I’m not sure…was he summoned or was he still alive? - I am going to return to see:)

    They speak a language that is similar to the Aldmeris

    And another wonder of them: IF they were part of the twelve worlds of creation - parts of which landed on Nirn where did they settle before they started to roam - Topal the Pilot speaks of the 8 isles he ran into in his voyage but only saw Bird Men, so is it possible the Ayleids were once them - and transformed/shapeshifted like what was written here of the Khajiit - though would there have had to have a Daedra involved in this :) like Azura was to the Khajiit maybe Meridia would have been this Daedra - for there is this said of them...that the Daedric Prince Meridia, who they knew as Merid-Nunda, represented for them the personification of the most-sacred element of light.

    Why is it that feathers seem part of them.:) and why is one of their champions, Umaril the Unfeathered

    and there is this from Lore2920 - The Last Year of the First Era -,_The_Last_Year_of_the_First_Era

    31 Second Seed, 2920
    Kavas Rim Pass, Cyrodiil

    It had been days, weeks since Turala had seen another human face, Cyrodiil or Dunmer. As she trod the road, she thought to herself how strange it was that such an uninhabited place as Cyrodiil had become the Imperial Province, seat of an Empire. Even the Bosmer in Valenwood must have more populated forests than this Heartland wood.

    She thought back. Was it a month ago, two, when she crossed the border from Morrowind into Cyrodiil? It had been much colder then, but other than that, she had no sense of time. The guards had been brusque, but as she was carrying no weaponry, they elected to let her through. Since then, she had seen a few caravans, even shared a meal with some adventurers camping for the night, but met no one who would give her a ride to a town.

    Turala stripped off her shawl and dragged it behind her. For a moment, she thought she heard someone behind her and spun around. No one was there. Just a bird perched on a branch making a sound like laughter.

    She walked on, and then stopped. Something was happening. The child had been kicking in her belly for some time now, but this was a different kind of spasm. With a groan, she lurched over to the side of the path, collapsing into the grass. Her child was coming.

    She lay on her back and pushed, but she could barely see with her tears of pain and frustration. How had it come to this? Giving birth in the wilderness, all by herself, to a child whose father was the Duke of Mournhold? Her scream of rage and agony shook the birds from the trees.

    The bird that had been laughing at her earlier flew down to the road. She blinked, and the bird was gone and in its place, a naked Elf man stood, not as dark as a Dunmer, but not as pale as the Altmer. She knew at once it was an Ayleid, a Wild Elf. Turala screamed, but the man held her down. After a few minutes of struggle, she felt a release, and then fainted away.

    When she awoke, it was to the sound of a baby crying. The child had been cleaned and was lying by her side. Turala picked up her baby girl, and for the first time that year, felt tears of happiness stream down her face.

    She whispered to the trees, "Thank you" and began walking with babe in her arms down the road to the west.

    The Year Is Continued in Mid Year.

    Edited by Eporem on July 8, 2020 1:41PM
  • Aigym_Hlervu
    Eporem wrote: »

    I would like to know more about the Ayleids as well..

    If they named themselves why didn’t they name themselves mer. - or did someone else name them. They are known as the Heartland Elves, the Wild Elves, but not with the mer ending, like Altmer, Bosmer Dwemer, Falmer, Maormer, Chimer.

    I ‘think’ the number 8 means something to them - they are obsessed with this number?

    Strife eventually occurred amoung them in who it was they wanted to follow - Human, Daedra or Aedra? so separation began

    The last King of the Ayleids returned to help Meridia - though how he returned I’m not sure…was he summoned or was he still alive? - I am going to return to see:)

    As far as I remember, Dynar died having not returned to Meridia. The word "Ayleid" seems to be an endonym. At least King Dynar used that word naming himself and his people - "I am the last Ayleid king. In our ancient language, my name means Ruler in Dark Times. I can imagine no darker time than the end of the Ayleid people". Regarding the Bird people - well, just read that reference I gave in the very beginning of the Dawn Era section in the OP, that might be the answer.

    Regarding that "-mer" part. Well, that's another very good thing to discuss. I've relocated my answer to the Theory thread here, you're welcome to read it there, perhaps it will lead us all to some further insights.
    Edited by Aigym_Hlervu on July 18, 2020 8:53PM
  • Aigym_Hlervu
    New entry:
    * 1E 361 - 511, the period of Alessian Order's power. The Ayleid records and it's chronicles are burned. This is the period the history was first rewritten - "The Alessians had systematically burned all the libraries they could find, and their own records were largely destroyed during the War of Righteousness"; "Alessian Order actually lasted only about 150 years, rather than the famous "one thousand and eight years" given by the Encyclopedia Tamrielica. The "mystery" of the millennial-plus rule of the Alessians was accepted but unexplained until the spread of the Lorkhan cults in the late 3rd era, when the doctrine of the Dragon Break took hold. Because this dating (and explanation) was so widely held at the time, and then repeated by historians down through today, it has come to have the force of tradition. Recall, however, that the 3rd era historians were already separated from the Alessians by a gulf of more than 2,000 years. And history was still in its infancy, relying on the few archives from those early days".
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