Ok, so in the past the new limited edition homes launch 4-6 weeks after the Chapter releases on Console. This time it's being pushed back till , presumably, August? WHY? Is something wrong with it? Like we saw issues with the Elsweyr home launch? is this because of the delayed release of the Chapter itself? What is the reasoning behind it? Also, great nice big vamp fountain, sure would be nice to have the nice big house to put it in lol. (yes yes we have other big ones.... but not a big vampiric sanctuary :P ) I get that delays happen, not so much complaining because "Hey, where's my house" but more of a " OMG Nothing's WRONG again, is it???? " just so I know whether or not to get my hopes up for it for next month lol.
NA EP CP1200+
Original: Mag/Templar Erestem Nightblossom (Tank/Healer Hybrid, Alchemist, general nuisance)
Alt's? at this point...so many to play, so little time!
**RED or DEAD** Long Live EP!
Leather Lace- GM, ESO Grand Designs GM, Ankle Biter for Lone Wolf United, CO-GM of Tower of Wayreth,
Master Furnisher & Housing fanatic, PvP junkie
Beta Tester, part of the 2013 Club