Hello fellow farmers of the Forums!
I'm interested to hear your experiences since this Monday's patch.
Do you think ZOS have
pulled a li'l sneaky on us and reduced Purple schematic drop rates from Greymoor's public dungeons?
Because since the patch, I've been getting almost none at all. Not just no Greymoor purples, but also no base game purples and significantly less Dwemer purples too. It might just be bad luck, but since I tried 8 different characters with the same result, I'd like to hear your experiences too, just to check whether it's just me or if they did indeed reduce drop rates.
Since there are barely any buildings of note in the whole of Western Skyrim, and Harrowstorms have worse drop rates than Dragons too, and the writ voucher merchants sell no Greymoor schematics like they do with Summerset and Elsweyr ones, this change seems to hit pretty hard.