Is there a low res and high res ESO Client?

I have an ESO folder with 72 gigabytes, and some others who play on PC have a 90gig game folder. Is there any sort of difference in clients available for PC, like Hi res, low res?

The motherboard died on my main PC a while ago, so I swapped to an old laptop to play the game while new parts were on order. The game was looking like a potato, but still very playable on the old hardware.

So today I rebuilt the PC and decided to go with a clean install of everything, including windows. I copied the ESO folder from the laptop onto the new hard drive of the rebuilt PC. I launched the game, cranked everything to ultra or high, and it looks blurry, and surfaces are slightly more like a potato than they were before the PC broke down. The game runs much faster than before, more FPS, but that might be caused by the parts upgrade, or maybe I have a low res client installed?
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