Pro Tip for PvErs doing Midyear Mayhem

This works especially well if you have multiple toons in multiple alliances, but....

Go down to the sewers and see if your alliance has a strong presence at the top. If so, go and do ALL of the dailies on your toon but DON'T turn them all in at once. There are 6 in total, and you can find them at the top of the ladders.

Hold on to them and turn in one per day. Now you don't have to worry about zerg this or campers that!

I did this on 3 characters just before MYM started, personally. And it was a great decision. Now I don't have to care who is controlling what. Just port, turn in, and then off to Cyro. :)
Edited by spartaxoxo on June 26, 2020 8:40AM
  • Mayrael
    This deserves more attention. It's really brilliant approach :)
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • grkkll
    Wish I'd read this on Wednesday .!
  • dominguero96
    Second tip:

    As a PVEr you don't enter a vet dungeon/trial with 10k health (because you will die). PVP is the same, you need to use specific gear and stats. As a veteran pvp player, if I see a player with less than 20k health well, that is easy alliance points.

    If you want to do the quests and not die thousand times, I recommend +20k health, around 20-25k resists and most important: being able to heal yourself.

    Good luck and try to take it patiently!
  • spartaxoxo
    Second tip:

    As a PVEr you don't enter a vet dungeon/trial with 10k health (because you will die). PVP is the same, you need to use specific gear and stats. As a veteran pvp player, if I see a player with less than 20k health well, that is easy alliance points.

    If you want to do the quests and not die thousand times, I recommend +20k health, around 20-25k resists and most important: being able to heal yourself.

    Good luck and try to take it patiently!

    I'm actually geared in stuff that I have used in the past for no death runs. It isn't as good as real pvp gear, but it has allowed me on a few occasions to kill the small amount of pve'ers who have tried to kill me, or to live long enough that someone from my alliance can back me up when a pvp'er attacks me.

    If your own alliance controls the area you are in, you are way, way less likely to be killed because it will really only be zerg v zerg that still get ya.

    Minimizing the odds of being killed is the reason to wait until your alliance has a strong presence up top. There is strength in numbers.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on June 27, 2020 6:05AM
  • WhyMustItBe
    These are indeed good tips.

    Another tip I would personally recommend is obviously not to attack other players, and if you are attacked, to do absolutely nothing. Do not fight back, do not resist. Just face your attacker calmly, weapon sheathed, standing there letting them get whatever joy it is they gain from attacking a defenseless target offering no challenge.

    That way you maintain the moral high ground and they possibly question whether a few alliance points they could have easily tripled or more taking a simple lumber mill or other resource in Cyrodill was really worth the way they probably look in the eyes of their fellow players. :p

    It might seem like I'm over thinking things, but if you try it you might find that uncomfortable heart-pumping frustration that so often comes of struggling to defend yourself and failing (due to not spending money to gold specific PVP gear and change your action bar just for one event) is largely negated by a transcendent mental attitude that effectively says "just because I have to do this doesn't mean I have to like it or behave the way I'm supposed to."

    It also helps not to care. But on the flip side if you are the type of person that cares you might also imagine these attacking players ARE getting something out of it beyond the meager AP gains and actually practice feeling good about helping another human enjoy themselves, even if it is in a way that you personally cannot comprehend.

    Because man, I REALLY don't get PVP. XD

    Edited by WhyMustItBe on June 27, 2020 7:26AM
  • Octopuss
    My pro tip:
    Don't even try. Five minutes long loading times just trying to travel between keeps to get to your group is beyond ridiculous.
    This game will never be fixed and all the performace improvements are bunch of lies.
  • Nairinhe
    Or pick less populated campaign and just yolo through the zone. If you die, you die, don't forget to bank Tel Vars.
  • SydneyGrey
    Octopuss wrote: »
    My pro tip:
    Don't even try. Five minutes long loading times just trying to travel between keeps to get to your group is beyond ridiculous.
    This game will never be fixed and all the performace improvements are bunch of lies.
    I've been doing PvP in Cyrodiil all day long for the past two days on both servers, and haven't had five minute loading times. I've had some lag, but no crashes, and loading times have been fast. Maybe it's just where you are?
  • Nemesis7884
    the loading screens going in and out of sewer r so to share quests and if you dont want to do pvp just do the dailies early in the one around between 5am and 9am
  • Nemesis7884
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    Octopuss wrote: »
    My pro tip:
    Don't even try. Five minutes long loading times just trying to travel between keeps to get to your group is beyond ridiculous.
    This game will never be fixed and all the performace improvements are bunch of lies.
    I've been doing PvP in Cyrodiil all day long for the past two days on both servers, and haven't had five minute loading times. I've had some lag, but no crashes, and loading times have been fast. Maybe it's just where you are?

    hmmm i have super long loading times too that I didnt before...but once loaded i get decent fps
  • Kiralyn2000
    Another tip I would personally recommend is obviously not to attack other players, and if you are attacked, to do absolutely nothing. Do not fight back, do not resist. Just face your attacker calmly, weapon sheathed, standing there letting them get whatever joy it is they gain from attacking a defenseless target offering no challenge.

    I remember doing that in WoW, in those various situations where you got flagged for PvP in a PvE server (due to standing the wrong place, a quest bug, or whatever). Give them absolutely no enjoyment for a "good fight".

    Problem is that the people who would take advantage of that (gankers, griefers, teabaggers, etc)? Don't care about that, they get their enjoyment from kicking your face in, even if it's beating a nonviolent protester. ;)
  • maddiniiLuna
    One tipp i can offer you as a PvP - Player:

    Use obvious PvE Skills / Gear sets. When i realize somebody is a PvE player just doing his warhorn or achievements, i tend to leave them alone and mind their own business.

    Here some examples of what i think are "obvious PvE" skills, because they usually suck in PvP.
    • Warden Bear Ultimate
    • Volatile Familiar
    • Endless Hail
    • Deadly Cloak
    • Elemental Wall
    • Inner Fire

    Just to name a few. They are used in some PvP builds, but that's rather rare and you can pretty much tell the difference immediately. Obvious PvE sets are to me those with the green / blue balls floating around like wormcult etc. Also Briarheart as medium example. Ebon armor is quite common in PvP actually, so i wouldn't necessarily say it's a pure PvE set. Relequens another example.

    Just keep in mind, that on some cruel characters it can also go the other way around, where using those sets / abilities just makes you a piece of juicy cake for gankers.
  • Mettaricana
    Tip: if you want ap thisnworks in bgs as well watxh your foes use ricochet skull or dw throwing dagger to pic off low health targets when 2 factions or teams are going at it chances are they wont notice you from 20m away so throw or skull away.
  • PizzaCat82
    I did 13 daily quests and 13 scouting missions on Wednesday, so I turn one in on each character then go actually PVP and get tons of AP.

    The fact that there's so much of this event around PVE activities seems to be missing the point of midyear mayhem.
  • Raisin
    Another tip I would personally recommend is obviously not to attack other players, and if you are attacked, to do absolutely nothing. Do not fight back, do not resist. Just face your attacker calmly, weapon sheathed, standing there letting them get whatever joy it is they gain from attacking a defenseless target offering no challenge.

    I remember doing that in WoW, in those various situations where you got flagged for PvP in a PvE server (due to standing the wrong place, a quest bug, or whatever). Give them absolutely no enjoyment for a "good fight".

    Problem is that the people who would take advantage of that (gankers, griefers, teabaggers, etc)? Don't care about that, they get their enjoyment from kicking your face in, even if it's beating a nonviolent protester. ;)

    Pretty much this. The only thing not fighting back has gotten me is a lot of tbagging.
  • VaranisArano
    PizzaCat82 wrote: »
    I did 13 daily quests and 13 scouting missions on Wednesday, so I turn one in on each character then go actually PVP and get tons of AP.

    The fact that there's so much of this event around PVE activities seems to be missing the point of midyear mayhem.

    It's fitting for PvPvE zones like Cyrodiil and IC where you can do PVE things, but the threat comes from enemy players.

    I guess ZOS could change the requirements to the PVP-only quests like Battleground dailies and "Kill 20 Players", but I don't think that would go over particularly well.
  • markulrich1966
    yes this is the method of choice for IC, used it on 2 toons this weekend so have enough quests to turn in this week, when I have less time after work.

    With cyro it is similar, finish the dailies in the different towns, but don't turn them in yet, you might even take the chance to start a new toon of a second or even third alliance, so you can access every location.

    For the short event-dailies, it can be very low level, especially if you already have earned champion points with your first toon, as the new ones inherit those.
    Edited by markulrich1966 on June 27, 2020 5:24PM
  • Galwylin
    Weird, I would have said to ignore chat :smiley:
  • Linaleah
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.
    Edited by Linaleah on June 27, 2020 9:33PM
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Sylvermynx
    Linaleah wrote: »
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.

    While I was getting fishing done on 4 characters, when I did Cyrodiil, I just suicided to the slaughterfish....
  • Linaleah
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.

    While I was getting fishing done on 4 characters, when I did Cyrodiil, I just suicided to the slaughterfish....

    when its nearby - certainly :P most of the time, when doing scouting missions and whatnot - enemy castle or resource is just closer.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • spartaxoxo
    Yes, death taxis make things much easier. I would do a quest, die, bank telvar, go back up and do another quest. Wash, rinse, repeat.

    The exception being the districts where you are closest to your own base like Elven Gardens for the Daggerfall Covenant.
  • Ufretin
    I'm surprised that all these "How to avoid pvp during a pvp event" type of guides fail to mention the most obvious solution: Cloak.

    You do have a magblade, don't you? Or if you don't : just make one and grind it to lvl10 within 30 minutes.
    It's just tickets you guys are after, so "I want this achievement on my main" shouldn't be an issue ;)
  • spartaxoxo
    Ufretin wrote: »
    I'm surprised that all these "How to avoid pvp during a pvp event" type of guides fail to mention the most obvious solution: Cloak.

    You do have a magblade, don't you? Or if you don't : just make one and grind it to lvl10 within 30 minutes.
    It's just tickets you guys are after, so "I want this achievement on my main" shouldn't be an issue ;)

    That's way more effort than just following some group around tbh.
  • SidraWillowsky
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.

    While I was getting fishing done on 4 characters, when I did Cyrodiil, I just suicided to the slaughterfish....

    when its nearby - certainly :P most of the time, when doing scouting missions and whatnot - enemy castle or resource is just closer.

    Just craft Ravage Health potions... I don't remember the ingredients but you can make the strong enough to suicide with.
  • Ingenon
    Just craft Ravage Health potions... I don't remember the ingredients but you can make the strong enough to suicide with.

    Why do this during Midyear Mayhem? With the extra campaigns that have been opened up, I'm spending about one minute in sneak waiting for the prompt to go to Imperial City (from Cyrodiil). And it puts me inside my faction base in Imperial City, where I can walk to the exit door in seconds. Two load screens, and I am back in Tamriel.
  • Jaraal
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.

    While I was getting fishing done on 4 characters, when I did Cyrodiil, I just suicided to the slaughterfish....

    when its nearby - certainly :P most of the time, when doing scouting missions and whatnot - enemy castle or resource is just closer.

    I tried to do this yesterday while doing chests for the antiquities leads. Ended up far from home, but noticed that a remote friendly outpost that had been cut off from the rest was under attack, so I headed over. There were about six enemies with sieges working without resistance on the door, so I charged them spin-to-winning in my all Divines Fiord's and Darloc Brae gear, ready to death recap out of Dodge. But, no. I ended up killing them all somehow. So I just logged out at that point and started playing another character.
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.

    While I was getting fishing done on 4 characters, when I did Cyrodiil, I just suicided to the slaughterfish....

    when its nearby - certainly :P most of the time, when doing scouting missions and whatnot - enemy castle or resource is just closer.

    Just craft Ravage Health potions... I don't remember the ingredients but you can make the strong enough to suicide with.

    eh. waste my precious precious mats? nyah :P
    Jaraal wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    blood ports are amazing. (essentially if you get killed by a player or alliance guard npc in Cyrodil and pretty much anything in imperial city - you get to chose where to respawn. which means you can finish your daily, die and fast travel back to turn in without having to buy travel sigils) they will save you a lot of time. utilize stealth as much as possible. get killed on purpose for faster travel. in IC, bank Tel Var each time you get killed, before going back up - that way even if you don't make much tel var overall - you still end up in a green.

    for those who killed me in the last few days, thanks for free ports and i hope you enjoyed those whole 10 tel var you got off me :P

    P.S. I know that you can also cheese travel why switching between IC and Cyrodil, but IMO, it just takes too long and you might still end up getting killed in IC, while waiting for Cyro to pop and travel to complete.

    While I was getting fishing done on 4 characters, when I did Cyrodiil, I just suicided to the slaughterfish....

    when its nearby - certainly :P most of the time, when doing scouting missions and whatnot - enemy castle or resource is just closer.

    I tried to do this yesterday while doing chests for the antiquities leads. Ended up far from home, but noticed that a remote friendly outpost that had been cut off from the rest was under attack, so I headed over. There were about six enemies with sieges working without resistance on the door, so I charged them spin-to-winning in my all Divines Fiord's and Darloc Brae gear, ready to death recap out of Dodge. But, no. I ended up killing them all somehow. So I just logged out at that point and started playing another character.

    lol. well.. i don't attack in any way, i just stand there and die :P
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
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