Possible Nightblade Buff

After all the nerfs to nightblade, hitting both Magblade and Stamblade, Nightblades in general need a buff. One of the simplest, but in my opinion fitting buff would be to take Reapers Mark of global cooldown, like they previously did with necro tethers.

The main reason no one slots Mark anymore (over ele drain on mag) is bc you can`t fit it in your burst combo. If you would set Mark of global cooldown you can very easily use it mid combo, for the sacrifice of one skillslot. That way stamblades can get breach back, which they lost on surprise attack and Magblades have an class alternative for Ele drain.
  • sproattt
    There's far more imperative issues than buffing an underperforming class that's been purposely nerfed over the last year.

    The games performance is the biggest issue, as 9 times out of 10 lag and delay are the killer; not the class. Once the game starts working as intended and skills are being fired in a timely manner than a 2/3s delay on skills firing or receiving damage, which ultimately happens more often than not.

    Only thing that needs changed on NB is removal of cast times on abilities and ultimates to bring them back on par with Stam Necro and One Button Spam Magplars.
    Stamblade Main.
  • BlueRaven
    sproattt wrote: »
    There's far more imperative issues than buffing an underperforming class that's been purposely nerfed over the last year.

    The games performance is the biggest issue, as 9 times out of 10 lag and delay are the killer; not the class. Once the game starts working as intended and skills are being fired in a timely manner than a 2/3s delay on skills firing or receiving damage, which ultimately happens more often than not.

    Only thing that needs changed on NB is removal of cast times on abilities and ultimates to bring them back on par with Stam Necro and One Button Spam Magplars.

    The people who work on class balance are not the same people who can fix the servers.

    Server lag and underperforming abilities are not that comparable. When I do trials with my stamnb I use zero class abilities. Zero. It’s like I am playing a generic class.

    Tanking on my dk? I use a bunch of class abilities.
    Dps on my sorc? Yup.
    Healing on a Templar? Plenty of class abilities.
    Stam warden dps? Gotta have bear! Plus they have more to their tool set.

    Stan nb? None.
    Edited by BlueRaven on June 25, 2020 11:14AM
  • olsborg
    NB(stamblade specially) need a selfheal that is burstier then say dark cloak and the removal of cast times of its ultimates and reintroduction of minor berserk to focus. IMO.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Everstorm
    Or just undo all the "balance" changes of the last two years.
  • Mayrael
    Therese is much more work needed to make NBs competitive again. NBs lost identity, it's flag skills has been given in improved versions to everyone without recompensation.

    What NB needs is restoring it's uniqe approach. It's a stealthy assasin that is not deadly anymore, squishy class that has really bad access to major expedition, it's toolkit has been stripped off anything making it special.

    We need major expedition on Mirage morph or Assassin's Will/Siphoning - anything self target only so we can use it in stealth. Path needs to deal damage and heal at the same time. We need class major burtality and sorcery, we need reason to use reapers mark over other similar skills. Fear needs something extra, cast times need to go away.

    These are just examples, a direction we need to go if we want NBs to be competitive again.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Necro tether has been added BACK onto the global cooldown. So I doubt we'll see other skills taken off the global

    Tether was originally removed from the GCD to improve the skill's performance while they worked on targeting, and I believe was always stated to be temporary
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
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