Indeed. The gap between Stamina Necromancer and other Stamina classes is drastically smaller than the gap between those other Stamina classes and Magicka Necromancer (which is probably the overall worst MMO-PvP class I've ever played in any game).They're good but overhyped, and a lot of it is due to people trying to downplay their own classes ("I may play magsorc/stamden but at least I don't play the completely OP stamcro, rite guize?!§"), I probably see more stamplars dueling in Wayrest than stamcros.
Indeed. The gap between Stamina Necromancer and other Stamina classes is drastically smaller than the gap between those other Stamina classes and Magicka Necromancer (which is probably the overall worst MMO-PvP class I've ever played in any game).They're good but overhyped, and a lot of it is due to people trying to downplay their own classes ("I may play magsorc/stamden but at least I don't play the completely OP stamcro, rite guize?!§"), I probably see more stamplars dueling in Wayrest than stamcros.
Everyone likes to talk about the Spirit Guardian like it's some kind of ultra-overpowered spell that totally carries whomever is using it...but it doesn't carry Magicka Necromancer. And while the Stamina morph of Blastbones is far and away superior to the Magicka morph (and usually hits harder even on Vampires, thanks to itemization), it's not like the Magicka side of the class would suddenly become crazy OP if the secondary effects were switched. We/they would still be lacking a worthwhile stun, have worse mobility, less self healing/blocking/dodging, lower overall damage, etc...
What really elevates Stamina Necromancer so much is that the baseline/generic Stamina toolkit is so vastly superior to its Magicka counterpart. When you combine that overpowered baseline kit with Blastbones' Major Defile (and bugged snare that ZOS doesn't seem to care about) it becomes something that gets noticed by even other overpowered setups.
So with skills like deaden pain, spirit guardian, and mortal coil, a stamnecro can be healing for 4k every second, as well as having a total percent mitigation of 43%, if i remeber correctly. 43% of all damage is mitigated, for what? Casting good abilities on corpses. God forbid they run the psyjiic ultimate for another 8, or shuffle? 76% mitigation on those jabs that you cant do anything about. Or your grothdar, or DOT ultimates? 91% reduction. And, with their passives they heal for 17% more (eat your heart out stamDK at 12%). And dont even get me started on how ZOS nerfed Snipe down from major to minor defile, but insta added it back onto stamcro.
Stamcro is, class wise, the most BROKEN thing I have ever seen, and I played when stamdk had a skill that reflected all ranged attacks.
Also blastbones costs 500 stamina. Its one of the cheapest, hardest hitting skills in the game.
So with skills like deaden pain, spirit guardian, and mortal coil, a stamnecro can be healing for 4k every second, as well as having a total percent mitigation of 43%, if i remeber correctly. 43% of all damage is mitigated, for what? Casting good abilities on corpses. God forbid they run the psyjiic ultimate for another 8, or shuffle? 76% mitigation on those jabs that you cant do anything about. Or your grothdar, or DOT ultimates? 91% reduction. And, with their passives they heal for 17% more (eat your heart out stamDK at 12%). And dont even get me started on how ZOS nerfed Snipe down from major to minor defile, but insta added it back onto stamcro.
Stamcro is, class wise, the most BROKEN thing I have ever seen, and I played when stamdk had a skill that reflected all ranged attacks.
Also blastbones costs 500 stamina. Its one of the cheapest, hardest hitting skills in the game.
blastbones doing nothing because its bad pathfinding can't find the target