we all know that ZOS is an American company but the EU has a bigger player base but it always seems that its the EU that suffers when it comes to game time. How about the management at ZOS stagger working times for staff and concentrate on the majority first for a change. simple things like rotating when they release patches and hotfixes so that the EU primetime does not suffer as a result of making sure that US primetime is not disrupted. if it really is a case that the servers are shared, then surely there should be some sort of level playing field and we all suffer at the same sort of level some of the time. for instance ZOS could prioritise EU players over US players one patch and visa versa the next. this would be a lot fairer a system. I cant see this happening but this is my two penneth.
I choose to pay extra in my subscription so that I can get access to the to craft bag and yeah I get crowns and DLC but so do US subscribers. why am I any less important or indeed why are the good EU folk any less important then the US. I for one would feel a little less disgruntled if we didn't have to bear the brunt of all the issues all of the time. I cant remember seeing a single post where issues have been solely a NA issue but it seems to be every 2nd forum page where its an issue for just the EU
just saying