Greasytengu wrote: »I always felt that if they 'ended' the three banners war, that it would neat if they replaced AD/DC/EP with three different Imperial factions (Nibenese, Colovian, and I guess loyalists to the old Longhouse empire) looking to take the ruby throne.
I guess in this scenario, factions wouldn't really exist for us players, we would just be mercenaries who choose who to fight for during the duration of a campaign. Other than that, gameplay and map dynamics would basically stay mostly the same.
While I do like your idea, it would likely involve completely redoing the Cyrodiil map as we know it. Currently the map is a triangle bordered by mountains/hills/water. At the moment, I don't believe there is no room for a fourth faction. Now while that is bad news for a potential fourth faction, If they ever remake Cyrodiil and add in parts of the territory that are currently missing (ex the Colovian estates to the east and the Blackwoods to the west) the map would become a square and we would have space.
Keep positioning and allocation would have to change.
I would think that in this scenario, the Emp keeps would not be considered a home keep to any faction, the uneven number would force factions to skirmish over what they assume is their keeps.
AD would likely have to be shifted to the east, perhaps abandoning Blackboot and the western Elsweyr gate and creating a new one across the niben bay. Fort gold-throat or fort Cuptor could be the replacement inner keep, though the positioning may have to be fudged a little bit.. Though shifting AD has its own issue other than keep allocation, the Niben river would divide their territory with an impassible barrier, so it might have to be 'removed' (like making it cross able on foot/mount and not bordered with steep cliffs.) And that is not even mentioning the issue of Brindle.
Faction #4 would get western Elsweyr gate and black boot, and their other gate could be near or even at Skingrad. Vlasterus could be converted into an actual keep. Speaking of towns, they would likely have to be moved/resettled or even outright changed.
There is a ton of map stuff that would need to me moved/removed/changed before a fourth faction could be introduced.
The first issue is dremora and daedra would need to be full class or race choices for players to be able to play them. It cannot be restricted to PvP. That brings up the second issue that they do not fit into the player side of the game as they should always be recognizable as evil. Necromancers, vampires, and WWs need to hide what they are from city folk for that reason.
Then there is the issue of populating that faction. There is no storyline, no home PvE area for this 4th faction. It would have to be jimmy-rigged in some odd manner to bring it about. If the means is to have players opt to be in when they choose the campaign then that is what a great many will choose because it is new, creating an imbalance until pop cap is reached.
The last point is the pop caps of the existing three factions would have to be lower than they currently are in PvP for server performance issues. They need to be lowered by 25%. That also means there is really no room to add more keeps to the map, and certainly, the area cannot be expanded. The map was designed for a significantly larger population than we currently see. Thinning things out further seems detrimental to gameplay since we will still end up at the same few keeps.
UppGRAYxDD wrote: »Ide rather see a new map then alliance...
ServerusEcru wrote: »
Again, the reason why one faction is always winning a campaign, is because too many play on it. Offering another faction, will give them an opportunity, which in the end will encourage them to leave the populated faction and spread over to the lesser ones, who are weaker.
You are making a huge assumption here without anything to base it on. There is no reason to expect a 4th faction would mean we have a balance between all the factions. I only quoted this part because without this there is no need for the rest of the discussion. I think this may be a big reason there is not much activity in the thread.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
And by you responding to it, a second time, which was clearly not needed, it created even more activity. Thank you.
DocFrost72 wrote: »I don't know if you knew this, but dremora are daedra.
Daedra refers to any creature from the planes of oblivion. To make it easier to conceptualize, think of the term "alien". Not all aliens come from the same place or look like each other. Some outright *hate* each other. But a "Martian" would be an "alien".
This really stuck out to me as whacky. As much as I'd jump at the chance to play a dremora, it'd be exceedingly challenging making that work. People wouldn't talk to you, including those in mainland cyrodiil, for fear of being kill, tortured, enslaved, a word I can't say on this forum, or have their souls removed.
Why not use the legion that is formed from outsiders (seventh, I believe?) As the base, and make any current race viable to fight for them? This wouldn't cheapen the any race any alliance upgrade more than imperials being unlocked does.
I will say I am surprised that you chose to ignore the part where I pointed out the justification for this idea, that it would balance out all factions, is based on an assumption with no reason to think it would actually occur.
Do you have something to support this assumption? Zos should not consider such major changes without some reasonable expectations they would bring about real beneficial development.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
Because you seem to have an eye for criticism and keep bringing attention to my idea, (thank you by the way), know that I have been PvPing in Cyrodiil since 2014, as a Beta supporter. I have seen the good, bad and ugly side of Cyrodiil and what I see now is 2 factions working together in a large population and one faction losing because they do not have enough numbers to fight back. Try logging into the man CP campaign and studying it. I am just really tired of seeing EP and AD constantly beat up on DC. It is very unbalanced the way it is and it seems DC is stuck in the middle with no one to take the slack off them. DC tries to defend one keep and the opposite faction sieges their other keep and they lose everything and end up in last place (At least this is our reality on the NA/PC 30 day CP server). You don't have to be an Einstein to figure this out. Having a fourth faction will give the big factions someone else to pick on. And it will also intrigue knew players and old and the idea, I guarantee will bring in more players. Because its something new; people will be curious and interested. And people love playing the bad guys.
As for Zos benefiting, as I mentioned there will be an entire new PvE campaign, for The Imperials. This is something they know will bring in huge profit, because a majority of players love PVE. Something to consider. Give them a story and PvE and players will buy it, having these new races for PvP is only icing on the cake. ESO is already overpopulated. This content will be a win win for them.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
Well if the devs actually considered my idea I would have suggested the obvious, a Xivilai daedric humanoid. Which in lore actually serve Molag Bal in this timeline. But thanks for bringing that to everyone's attention.
This really stuck out to me as whacky. As much as I'd jump at the chance to play a dremora, it'd be exceedingly challenging making that work. People wouldn't talk to you, including those in mainland cyrodiil, for fear of being killed, tortured, enslaved, a word I can't say on this forum, or have their souls removed.
I love the Empire. I love the Imperial Legion. But my opinion is as follows: no.
Because in the evolution of the game, the Empire in Cyrodiil (2E 582) and the Empire at the time of Elsweyr (2E 582 - 587) is no longer the same.
There are many questions surrounding the future of Clivia Tharn. Or even the degree of implication of each count in Coalescence.
With Chancellor Abnur Tharn who declares having reconquered lands for the Empire or the imperials who reoccupy the IC at the end of Imperial City DLC, the Empire knows a new breath as it was declared dying in the basic game.
We cannot have on one side the Empire which returned to its values (PvE zone with Colovian Estates: Skingrad - Sutch - Sarchal / or with Nibenay: Ato - Bravil - Mir Corrup - Leyawiin) and at the same time embody a Empire in decline at the time of the Alliance War. (All of this remains to be verified in local PvE geopolitical intrigues).
And then ... The Empire faction does not necessarily mean the Imperial Legion. The Legion is an institution of the Empire, but there are probably other armies or militias fighting on behalf of the Empire.
There will also be the problem of the balance between the factions (number of forts, resources, outposts and villages by default). Everything would have to be reviewed outside it is impossible. Because each of its elements is in the lore, we cannot invent and add things that do not exist.
What I am suggesting is to make this fair for the Imperials and create a new faction with its own unique story similar to the other three; revolving around the Imperial Legion (showing what happened before the Alliance war: like a period peace which has been done very good in ESO actually), so they can have some lore as well for that race.
I love the Empire. I love the Imperial Legion. But my opinion is as follows: no.
Because in the evolution of the game, the Empire in Cyrodiil (2E 582) and the Empire at the time of Elsweyr (2E 582 - 587) is no longer the same.
There are many questions surrounding the future of Clivia Tharn. Or even the degree of implication of each count in Coalescence.
With Chancellor Abnur Tharn who declares having reconquered lands for the Empire or the imperials who reoccupy the IC at the end of Imperial City DLC, the Empire knows a new breath as it was declared dying in the basic game.
We cannot have on one side the Empire which returned to its values (PvE zone with Colovian Estates: Skingrad - Sutch - Sarchal / or with Nibenay: Ato - Bravil - Mir Corrup - Leyawiin) and at the same time embody a Empire in decline at the time of the Alliance War. (All of this remains to be verified in local PvE geopolitical intrigues).
And then ... The Empire faction does not necessarily mean the Imperial Legion. The Legion is an institution of the Empire, but there are probably other armies or militias fighting on behalf of the Empire.
There will also be the problem of the balance between the factions (number of forts, resources, outposts and villages by default). Everything would have to be reviewed outside it is impossible. Because each of its elements is in the lore, we cannot invent and add things that do not exist.
There are many points which I disagree with the author.
If an "Empire" faction were to emerge, we would need PvE regions to understand the local context. And as the game evolves, the Empire we see in the first zones and the one we see in the last regions are different.
Even if this deserves more clarification in the imperial regions not affected by the war (and where the Empire remains powerful), the Planemeld is ended and the Daedric occupation almost wiped out or even ended.
There will therefore be no possibility of forming an alliance with imperials and daedras. The daedras being, and having always been enemies of the Empire.
Legions are loyal to Clivia Tharn. Except that it was a usurper who ruled but no one could know.
As for the imperial-Daedric alliance of the Seventh Legion, it was not systematic for all the Legions.
> The Second Legion suspected a Daedric plot. The West Weald Legion had only legionaries themselves surprised that their commander was working with a Daedric sect.
Today, an imperial faction would involve only the imperials. The important question: Are Colovia and Nibenay always together? Or are they divided?
The PvE intrigues linked to the imperial regions will be in chronological continuity of the previous extensions. And to date, Chancellor Abnur Tharn has declared that the Empire is in good shape again and traces of Daedric influence seem to have been completely removed.
There will necessarily be political plots. Watch the last Chapters. And look at the antagonistic profile of count of Skingrad. There will undoubtedly be something with that.
And then three factions are more than enough. There is no need for a fourth faction.
Especially when the Empire no longer has the same face in PvP (2E 582) and in the last PvE zones (2E 582 +).
I have asked OP to support the idea this would bring about the balance and have yet to receive an answer other than thanks for bringing attention to their idea.
ServerusEcru wrote: »
I already explained to you my theory of how it will balance the server. There does not have to be any mathematical exegesis to try and determine the results. New content brings in new players and people will want to play what is new. Albeit there will be those few who are loyal, like myself, who will stay on the Daggerfall Covenant faction, but those who love to hop factions, which are the majority of PvPers will go where the new content is. This kind of vision does not require math but vision.
There is no point in finding out what happened there. We already know it and guess it.
The intrigue of the three alliances takes place in 2E 582. We do not need to go back to find out the why of the how with the imperials. It is a long journey that started with Leovic's declaration to legalize the worship of Daedra then a process that accelerated during the formation of the Five Companions.
On the contrary, it would be much more interesting to find out what is going on after the Planemeld.
During the Planemeld: we already see it with two legions in Bangkoraï, Reaper March, in Cyrodiil, in Imperial City and the dialogues of NPCs.
I don't understand the reason for your deep desire to go back when we already know how it was.
In this case, the new intrigue launched by Abnur Tharn would be ignored.
Since at least Orsinium, we have passed a cape. The main story, the story of the Imperial City ... marked the end of the Planemeld.
Dark Anchors no longer appear from Orsinium. You can see ruins of the dolmens on Raidelorn.
It would be much more interesting to see the Empire back on its feet, without Daedric occupation, and led by Chancellor Abnur Tharn.
An Empire that has had time to rebuild, an Empire where Carolus' Gold Coast was able to join Abnur ... While the three alliances are out of breath and the Imperial Chancellor is negotiating a peace.