First and foremost, I was this close to making a post that was only about how much I love Antiquities. I went to zones I had never been to before and have an absolutely new appreciation for the world and the time and effort put into each area.
I also really enjoy PvP! I use it to level and I've met a ton of friends through my efforts in Cyro. It's not a huge deal but I generally hit Sergeant and higher on my characters before I hit 50 because I like PvP so much.
That being said, I'm still relatively new. I was having difficulty choosing what class I wanted to play at the beginning so I have a few 50's but I'm only CP170-ish. This obviously means I don't have a lot of CP points to distribute but my gear isn't all that good yet. I have some stuff crafted but haven't had the chance to really dive into getting monster sets and the likes or upgrading it to Gold.
The reason why I bring all this up is because trying to get the Malacath lead in Imperial City has been a NIGHTMARE. I've spent the last three days getting repeatedly ganked, over and over and over again. Some of the people are cool and will allow me to smack the boss around to try and get the lead, but others will intentionally follow me around and look for me because they know how squishy I am.
"How about No-CP IC?" Well, my first foray into No-CP I was ganked and told that it was for farming TVS stones only and go to CP. I can't compete with people in Gold gear either: I get slaughtered (see the thread in the PvP forums titled "No CP PvP is a 1 shot frenzy").
"What about running in a group?" Something I've learned from being in DC is that for whatever reason the PvP doesn't seem to be super active during the day, generally when I'm able to. While running around I constantly ask if there are any groups going or invite others I see to them but it doesn't happen.
"Get better gear." That's literally what I'm trying to do. Is this supposed to be some kind of gate so that I don't immediately become "massively OP" once I get the ring (lol)?
When people first started complaining about this, I was firmly in the camp of, "Well, tough crap." This was WELL before I had ever set foot into IC, let alone trying to get the lead for the past three days (and literally a good 30+ hours). I've killed plenty of bosses but whereas the leads for everything else - including the Stranglers - dropped relatively quickly I have yet to see it in IC. It's not like these are easy either: EVERYONE is looking for bosses.
I hope this doesn't come off as whining, that I'm trying to rush getting an awesome piece of loot because I got the Stranglers just fine. If this was arbitrarily difficult due to a certain boss spawning, or a random chance off of a random mob in an overland zone, or to get 10 in Scrying first that'd be fine: that's a grind I can do myself or with a friend. This is insane because it's reliant on other players not only being able to assist but not stepping in to whoop your ass because they feel like it.
It's taken something I've enjoyed quite a bit and put a smudge on it. I'll see what kind of gear I can craft and hope it makes a difference but I don't think it will.