Game Froze in Character select

Running 10.14.6 Mojave

game would freeze in Character select and has to be force quit.
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Hey there @LiberatorSam the troubleshooting in this article may be able to help with this freezing issue. We recommend trying these steps once the current maintenance is complete if you play on the European PC/Mac megaserver.
    Edited by ZOS_Adrikoth on June 24, 2020 12:33PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • BlueRaven
    Running 10.14.6 Mojave

    game would freeze in Character select and has to be force quit.

    I have been getting this too. Somedays it happens a lot other times it doesn't happen at all. /shrug
  • BlueRaven
    Hey there @LiberatorSam the troubleshooting in this article may be able to help with this freezing issue. We recommend trying these steps once the current maintenance is complete if you play on the European PC/Mac megaserver.

    @ZOS_Adrikoth I can't get your "this article" link to load. Can you relink it?

    Edit: Never mind. It took a while but it suddenly loaded without issue. Weird.
    Edited by BlueRaven on June 24, 2020 6:06PM
  • Mophet
    It's been happening since Greymoor release, and it is getting worse. Mac players have been submitting tickets about it so all we can do is wait. You're better submitting your own ticket with a screen shot of it frozen. At the moment I seem to have 15-20% chance of getting passed the character load screen and it can get most annoying and even worse trying to change characters as it will lock up then too.
  • Mophet
    It gets stuck at = w5ol8q6qhbro.png and then loops = yj37qmacc04m.png forever until you are forced to quit the application.

  • Mophet
    I found deleting my MachineSetting.txt file has fixed my crashes with the character load screen. You'll find the file under Users / your name / documents / Elder Scrolls Online / Live / MachineSettings.txt. Deleting this will mean watching the Cinematic again and setting up a few other things but the file will be re downloaded again after using the Launcher. Ive not had a freeze since I did this so I am hoping this is a fix for it.
    Edited by Mophet on June 28, 2020 11:35PM
  • Gattopardo
    Did this work for you over time?
    I tried it, and it crashes less now, so instead of 80% its now 50% of all times stuck in character request, which is still pretty ... bad
  • Mophet
    I am rarely freezing on the character load screen now. But it certainly did not completely stop it from locking up. So would seem the problem does indeed go deeper than just the Machine Setting TxT file.
  • Evilspock
    Hey there @LiberatorSam the troubleshooting in this article may be able to help with this freezing issue. We recommend trying these steps once the current maintenance is complete if you play on the European PC/Mac megaserver.

    Unfortunately this doesn't work, I still get freezes at character select. I also tried deleting MchineSettings.txt. I don't even use WIFI.
    Edited by Evilspock on July 9, 2020 9:19PM
    🖖 @EvilSpock |PC/NA| ✦ Guildmaster: Vulcan Commandos |AD| ✦
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Hey there @Evilspock please submit a ticket with us at for additional assistance.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Evilspock
    Hey there @Evilspock please submit a ticket with us at for additional assistance.

    I did over a week ago I don't seem to get any response. Seems it's not just me, everyone on mac has this problem, unless we have some mac users here that can attest it never freezes at character select.
    🖖 @EvilSpock |PC/NA| ✦ Guildmaster: Vulcan Commandos |AD| ✦
  • ZOS_Adrikoth
    Greetings @Evilspock could you provide us with your ticket number? We would be happy to look into its status for you and make sure that it is in the right place.
    The Elder Scrolls Online - ZeniMax Online Studios
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