BeamsForDemacia wrote: »race / class / stam vs mag doesnt really matter for quests everything works, but as u are healer anyway id suggest u Play also magicka warden for dmg, should be easier
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »Have you considered trying Warden stam healer?
You can heal dungeons and still be speked as Stam for everything else.
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »Have you considered trying Warden stam healer?
You can heal dungeons and still be speked as Stam for everything else.
Uhm, I never thought Stam healer is actually a thing that works? That would solve everything for sure. Is that even somethingthat can do vet Dungeons or trials?
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »Have you considered trying Warden stam healer?
You can heal dungeons and still be speked as Stam for everything else.
Uhm, I never thought Stam healer is actually a thing that works? That would solve everything for sure. Is that even somethingthat can do vet Dungeons or trials?
It can def do vet dungeons, I haven't tried trials on mine yet. It's hella-fun though, been my favorite build since I started messing with it. It's more limited than the standard powerhouse healers, but I haven't found that limit yet, so far everything I've put her in she's handled. But I also have a Templar healer, a sorcerer healer, and am currently leveling a mag Warden healer, so I can tell you it can't carry people though stupid as easily as those characters. That's the big difference, when I'm on my Templar I can practically keep people alive against their own will, my Stam healer doesn't have the same relentless burst heal spam. But, I mostly pug so it's not like I'm playing with the world's best groups, and she still does fine.
I run with bow / 1h&S. You could get more healing power running dual swords I guess, but I like the defense since you end up in the danger zone more often than mag healers.
My 1h&S bar
Circle of protection (healing morph)
Vigor (AOE morph)
Icey defence thing (whatever it's called)
Mushroom cone heal
Bow bar
Orbs (healing morph)
Endless hail
Swinging vine burst heal
Lotus flower
Bull netch
I just keep up lotus flower and bull netch, CoP around the tank, always have an orb floating through. I always weave with light attacks for lotus procs, also make pretty liberal use of heavies, I wear sunderflame so my heavy attacks are dual purpose lotus proc and debuff. That with an occasional vigor or mushroom cone is generally plenty of healing, but I have my vine and tree just in case.
I might try out winter's respite to turn endless hail into a heal, that sounds fun. Right now I just use Jailbreaker as a "sustain" set, because the speed helps with positioning since I don't have all those fancy smart heals that mag healers get.
Anyway I don't know what your endgame goals are, if you're looking to do vet trails it probably won't hold up, unless someone needs a kite healer maybe, I really just play it for fun. But as far as being able to heal in a group and then run off on your own as a Stam build, it would work for that.
BeamsForDemacia wrote: »race / class / stam vs mag doesnt really matter for quests everything works, but as u are healer anyway id suggest u Play also magicka warden for dmg, should be easier
I tried, it's just so.. boring. idk
I tried a stam warten for fun (Wood Elf) and it feels way better to fight with her, she just can't heal and I really want that, so I'm looking for a solution that works for both. I'm 100% sure I want to be a Breton Warden Healer, so I'm thinking about a solution for questing ect.
I checked the skills and the racials and I'd lose about 300 Stam reg and 2000 stamina from the Woodelf passives, also would lose the 64 points in Stamina and one skill (pet thingy would need to be morphed for Magicka of course)
Ig Google told me the truth, then 64 points Stamina are about 7200 Max Staimina, so I would lose out on almost 10k Stamina (including the race 2000) and that seems a lot given that it scales the damage. That's why I ask what you guys think
exeeter702 wrote: »BeamsForDemacia wrote: »race / class / stam vs mag doesnt really matter for quests everything works, but as u are healer anyway id suggest u Play also magicka warden for dmg, should be easier
I tried, it's just so.. boring. idk
I tried a stam warten for fun (Wood Elf) and it feels way better to fight with her, she just can't heal and I really want that, so I'm looking for a solution that works for both. I'm 100% sure I want to be a Breton Warden Healer, so I'm thinking about a solution for questing ect.
I checked the skills and the racials and I'd lose about 300 Stam reg and 2000 stamina from the Woodelf passives, also would lose the 64 points in Stamina and one skill (pet thingy would need to be morphed for Magicka of course)
Ig Google told me the truth, then 64 points Stamina are about 7200 Max Staimina, so I would lose out on almost 10k Stamina (including the race 2000) and that seems a lot given that it scales the damage. That's why I ask what you guys think
Might I ask what level you are? I'm just curious
exeeter702 wrote: »BeamsForDemacia wrote: »race / class / stam vs mag doesnt really matter for quests everything works, but as u are healer anyway id suggest u Play also magicka warden for dmg, should be easier
I tried, it's just so.. boring. idk
I tried a stam warten for fun (Wood Elf) and it feels way better to fight with her, she just can't heal and I really want that, so I'm looking for a solution that works for both. I'm 100% sure I want to be a Breton Warden Healer, so I'm thinking about a solution for questing ect.
I checked the skills and the racials and I'd lose about 300 Stam reg and 2000 stamina from the Woodelf passives, also would lose the 64 points in Stamina and one skill (pet thingy would need to be morphed for Magicka of course)
Ig Google told me the truth, then 64 points Stamina are about 7200 Max Staimina, so I would lose out on almost 10k Stamina (including the race 2000) and that seems a lot given that it scales the damage. That's why I ask what you guys think
Might I ask what level you are? I'm just curious
The magicka Warden is lvl 27 now. Stamina will ding 50 today (if the servers let me in)
Hello again,
thank you for all the good advice I've got in this Forum. I'm pretty new to the game and I'm not 100% sure about everything, yet. Therefore I would like to get your opinion on this idea I have.
I want to be a healer. I enjoy healing a lot in other games and I clearly want to be a healer for the tough content in ESO. Therefore I went with a Breton - Magicka - Warden. However, by playing a bit it turned out that I find Damage Dealing on this Character quite boring and not great. While this doesn't matter in Dungeons (as I'm the healer) it is not great for questing and all this.
So I came up with an idea, but I don't know enough about the game to know how good that would work, that's why I'm here:
Would it work to skill the Char full Magicka ( 64 points, all Skills like the Pet thingy that follows you on Magicka), but go full Stamina for Questing ect. with a Bow/bow setup or DW/Bow or something. O course I would go full Stamina Armor, Weapons, Buff Food ect. and switch to my Magicka Heal Stuff once a Dungeon pops or I want to do Vet Content ect.
How bad would it be compared to, let's say, a Orc or Woodelf with everything set to Stamina? Again: I don't want do run vet content ect. with the Stamina side of things, it's only to breeze through quests and have everything on one character.
Do you guys think I'm making my life harder with that setup?
Thank you (again) for your answers and insights. You are helping a noob quite a lot.
Wandering_Immigrant wrote: »Have you considered trying Warden stam healer?
You can heal dungeons and still be speked as Stam for everything else.
Uhm, I never thought Stam healer is actually a thing that works? That would solve everything for sure. Is that even somethingthat can do vet Dungeons or trials?
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Hello again,
thank you for all the good advice I've got in this Forum. I'm pretty new to the game and I'm not 100% sure about everything, yet. Therefore I would like to get your opinion on this idea I have.
I want to be a healer. I enjoy healing a lot in other games and I clearly want to be a healer for the tough content in ESO. Therefore I went with a Breton - Magicka - Warden. However, by playing a bit it turned out that I find Damage Dealing on this Character quite boring and not great. While this doesn't matter in Dungeons (as I'm the healer) it is not great for questing and all this.
So I came up with an idea, but I don't know enough about the game to know how good that would work, that's why I'm here:
Would it work to skill the Char full Magicka ( 64 points, all Skills like the Pet thingy that follows you on Magicka), but go full Stamina for Questing ect. with a Bow/bow setup or DW/Bow or something. O course I would go full Stamina Armor, Weapons, Buff Food ect. and switch to my Magicka Heal Stuff once a Dungeon pops or I want to do Vet Content ect.
How bad would it be compared to, let's say, a Orc or Woodelf with everything set to Stamina? Again: I don't want do run vet content ect. with the Stamina side of things, it's only to breeze through quests and have everything on one character.
Do you guys think I'm making my life harder with that setup?
Thank you (again) for your answers and insights. You are helping a noob quite a lot.
You would be better off learning how to DPS effectively on a magic warden, or make a second character for DPS whose play style you prefer a bit better. A magic warden is a very strong DPS in the current meta.
A breton warden with 64 pts into magic is not even in the same balpark of damage as an orc with 64 into stamina, if both are using stamina weapons.
If damage is boring to you doing quests, well that is probably an issue of overland content being a total pushover. If you are finding the damage lacking, you need to work on your build a bit, because a mag warden is great for solo content.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »When you say magicka templar damage is boring, what alternatives for damage dealing did you try? I find it a lot of fun because of its great variety. (I also like the "feel" of a couple of the core spear skills, but I imagine you disagree with me about that part.)
For simple overland content I just roll through things with Solar Barrage, Puncturing Sweeps, and a Grothdarr set. I also have Crushing Shock for ranged enemies (simpler to just kill them than to pack Silver Leash), Relfective Light, and so on. And a Wall of Elements morph, of course.
The one thing that is boring is that stuff sometimes dies so fast it hardly matters what I do, but most decent builds have that problem.
World boss fights and the like are more interesting, because simply spamming Puncturing Sweeps is far from ideal.
I wish I could better explain what I find boring with Magicka, but I can't.
It might be the playstyle, it might be the lack of possible options, I honestly don't know. If I play my Stam-Warden I can go Bow/Bow for faced paced range combat, I can go DW/Bow for some Melee action, I can use 2H for a different style or even go WW for .. well.. wolve-action (and last but not least I could tank, but I suck at that ^^ )
If I play magicka I can go.. well.. staff. I tried vampire, but as I really want to heal I don't think that's a good idea. Templar was easy and fun, but after a few days I enjoyed playing her less and less idk.
It might actually be me just not being used to ESO. I need a "main" for my emotional health so to speak. I want that one character I can do all the quests with, collect things, simply that one character that is THE ONE whenever I play, the one that has all the cool stuff and gets everything first. Coming from Final Fantasy 14 (where everything is on one character) this might even be worse now. That's why I don't feel great with 2 chars, otherwise I would just go with one stam and one mag and call it a day.
I love ESO but man, not finding "my" character drives me crazy and when I realized I like healing A LOT and Stam Damage A LOT I know I'm in a bit of trouble, that's why I asked for help here.