Run a lot to where fighting are going on
Get disconnected when u arrive
It take some time to disconnect message and login screen appear Then character select and game load are not fast to dont be rude
Fight is over
Run a lot to where fighting are going on now
Get disconnected again
srry its just a complain
also im experiencing a lot of skill/lightAtk delay that wasn't there some months ago
Akalys - Main PVE Mag PetSorc -HighElf
Akallys - Main PVP MagSorc - Breton
Catni - PVP Mag Warden (made to be a healer but its to bad) - HighElf
Kuronekro - PVP StamNecro (necro shold be the pet based class not sorc) - redGard
Flamie - PVP MagPlar (just 2 skill to win) - Breton
Fereza - PVP StamDK ("no stamina to use that skill" jump and knock down everyone) - Nord
Maev - PVP StamWarden BowBuild - WoodElf
Owna - PVP StamNB no2h yes DW/Bow - Kajit
Noitora - PVP StamSorc 2h spam Critical Charge en got healed every time - Imperial
Ralibel - PVP MagDK also know as FireBattleMage - HighElf