Hi. I am a templar, high elf and I love being a healer so I'm trying to be the best I can.
I'm on level 50 CP250 and I'm doing mostly vet dungeons, where I've seen the worst kind of players (the "speedrunners" who doesn't care for the rest of the team or the rage quitters who leave the teams when someone doesn't know a boss mechanic) and the best ones (those who teach, who help... fortunately, the most in this game).
I've read a lot of guides and saw many videos about builds, but I always say you learn with practice. I use AlphaGear addon and I have a set (gear + skills) for playing solo, other for the dailies PvP battlegrouns and another for playing dungeons (the full "healer" one).
Mostly, I use my first bar:
- Punctuaring Sweep (for healing myself in case of emergency, defend myself and make damage)
- Breath of Life (for insta heal my entire group and myself)
- Energy Orb (this forum recommended me this one a lot)
- Extended Ritual (same as the orb)
- Inner Light (must be slotted for the effects)
- Ultimate: Thunderous Rage (for helping with damage)
On my second bar I have:
- Blazing Shield
- Elemental Drain
- Unstable Wall of Storms
- Radiant Opression
- Solar Barrage
- Ultimate: Remembrance
I use very little my second bar, except on exceptional ocassions... mostly Radiant Opression, that is amazing when enemies have less than 25% of life.
I think, maybe, I could make more for helping my comrades but I don't know if there is another great skill I'm not taking in account.
Another thing... I have 10.668 of health and 31.918 of magicka (all my 64 points). And I use a food that put my health on 17.250.
I've only found the Undaunted Meddle passive skill for increasing my health and, of course, my gear focus on increase magicka (I use Mother's Sorrow and Julianos set as a base for now).
Is enough with my health for the future trials or the CP300 dungeons or should I change some enchanments and increase health instead of magicka?
Thanks for your tips!!!