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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

A Few Questions

Soul Shriven
Hi Friends,

I Solo'ed my way through the main story and am starting to do the daily dungeons to earn Champion Points. I'm playing a Breton Sorcerer focused on ranged DPS.

My slotted skills are:
- Crushing Shock
- Boundless Storm
- Critical Surge
- Lightning Flood
- Twilight Matriarch
- Ultimate: Soul Assault

My usual rotation is: Boundless Storm and Critical Surge at the start of a battle, then Lightning Flood on the target and spam Crushing Shock until out of mana. And triggering Twilight Matriarch to heal myself as needed.

So, here are my questions:
1) Is that a decent skill set and rotation for PvE and dungeons?
2) What other skills would you recommend I level up for Ranged DPS?
3) My understanding is at CP160 every item that drops is at its max. So where should I go hunt for ranged DPS sorcerer gear?
4) The world's dumbest question... but is there a way to "fast exit" a dungeon after it's complete?

Thank you for your help and advice.
  • VaranisArano
    The fastest, cheapest, most convenient way I've found to leave a dungeon is to travel to one of my guildmates, since that puts me at a wayshrine for free, and then I can wayshrine to where I want to go. If your loading screens are particularly bad, it might be better to just teleport to the specific location you want to go to.
  • eMKa8
    I guess to leave a dungeon you should just either open your map and then right click so you are in the bigger world of tamriel. Then just click on any wayshrine you want

    Ps : i had the same issue of not knowing how to leave dungeons for a long time ;-)

    Also , you can try to click on “P” which gets you into the group player box , and then go to “group” and chose : Exit group or leave group

    Normally that should get you out of the dungeon as well.

    For question 3 : try to type eso-skillset in google

    For question 2 : use the crystal frags that proc. Not the one that heals. If you dont know what procs is then try to find out

    Question 1 : check youtube channels 😉
  • Wandering_Immigrant
    Some dungeons have an exit near the final boss. That's my preferred method of leaving since it places your character exactly where they were when you entered. You'll get used to knowing where this is applicable the more you play.

    You could also open your current group window from the social menu and say leave group. This has the same benefit as the exit, only there's a wait time. I'll usually use this method when I have reason to step away for a minute. I go to the kitchen/bathroom/whatever and when I come back my character is right where I want them.

    You can also just fast travel. I prefer travelling to one of my houses when I use the this method, it's free and gives a purpose to owning multiple homes. You could also travel to a wayshrine (costs gold) or use your guilds or friends list to travel to a player (free), which will place you at the nearest wayshrine to them.

    For your combat questions, it looks like you're using 1 bar, so the best bit of advice is to try and get used to using 2. It's easier than it might seem. The general idea is to use your back bar for DoTs, HoTs, and buffs, use your front bar for more aggressive bursty abilities with possibly one or 2 quick-use defensive abilities (for example on magsorc I like having a shield ability on my front bar so I can cast it as needed without having to swap bars). This way you're not constantly swapping back and forth in a reactive manner but instead there's a more deliberate and timed intent behind it.
  • El_Borracho
    1) Is that a decent skill set and rotation for PvE and dungeons? Its not bad, kind of similar to the one-bar sorc build. I'd rather go with Shooting Star or Storm Atro or Shock Rage for my ultimate than Soul Assault.

    2) What other skills would you recommend I level up for Ranged DPS? You are missing the most important one: Unstable Wall of Elements. Its a must for DPS. Since you are also running solo, I'd look at getting either Hardened Ward or Empowered Ward as well as Harness Magicka for shields.

    3) My understanding is at CP160 every item that drops is at its max. So where should I go hunt for ranged DPS sorcerer gear? There is not really a "ranged gear" specification for sorcs as you might find for stamina bow builds. That comes more from skills, but most sorc attacks are ranged. Depending on you build, you want Necropotence (Rivenspire) if you are running pets, False God's (Sunspire trial) if not, and in either case, Mother's Sorrow (Deshaan). Alternative sets like Spell Strat (Cyrodiil, can buy from guild traders) or Siroria (Cloudrest trial) are very good too. Trial sets will sometimes have a damage buff against dungeon, trial, or arena monsters. But since you are running solo content, almost anything will work. Your biggest issue will be sustain and health.

    4) The world's dumbest question... but is there a way to "fast exit" a dungeon after it's complete? Yes. Travel to a house you own.
  • Grianasteri
    Nirnwalker wrote: »
    Hi Friends,

    I Solo'ed my way through the main story and am starting to do the daily dungeons to earn Champion Points. I'm playing a Breton Sorcerer focused on ranged DPS.

    My slotted skills are:
    - Crushing Shock
    - Boundless Storm
    - Critical Surge
    - Lightning Flood
    - Twilight Matriarch
    - Ultimate: Soul Assault

    My usual rotation is: Boundless Storm and Critical Surge at the start of a battle, then Lightning Flood on the target and spam Crushing Shock until out of mana. And triggering Twilight Matriarch to heal myself as needed.

    So, here are my questions:
    1) Is that a decent skill set and rotation for PvE and dungeons?
    2) What other skills would you recommend I level up for Ranged DPS?
    3) My understanding is at CP160 every item that drops is at its max. So where should I go hunt for ranged DPS sorcerer gear?
    4) The world's dumbest question... but is there a way to "fast exit" a dungeon after it's complete?

    Thank you for your help and advice.

    Awesome, I love questions like this, genuine attempts to get better at the game.

    My advice to any new player would be, visit a content providers website, such as Alcast, he has builds that also provide "beginner" options, as well as end game meta options. But also, do not worry about matching any such build exactly, its possible to get too caught up in the meta or grind for gear, and forget about actually enjoying the game!

    1)+2) Your skills are for the most part good choices, but you need to add a few more key skills to improve your dps. As I say visit content providers and you will start to see some common skills being used on magsorcs. Without doubt, you need to use Wall of elements. This is one of the most consistent sources of damage at your disposal and the important aspect is that the damage continues even when you swap bar, and the enchant can continue to proc. For most builds the wall of elements staff will use a weapon/spell damage glyph (enchant), because it procs whataver bar you are on and increases your damage while active. Sorry to dwell on it but Wall of elements plus your Lightning flood are excellent combo, both provide a constant source of crit damage on targets, which proc the heal from your Critical surge, keeping you alive!

    Soul assault is great fun, but mainly for single target. The storm or atronach are both probably better options for a magsorc dps. Note that one reason is that you fire these, then forget and get back to your own damage, whereas with something like soul assault, you are tied up using it and not continuing with your rotation.

    3) Yes, gear level is maxed at CP160, so farming for gear is largely pointless before reaching this point. You are better having someone craft you some decent gear a few times until you reach CP160. For a magsorc, there are some great options available that are easy to get. As a base, if you visit Deshaan you can farm for Mothers Sorrow, which is an excellent magica dps set and pretty meta for a ton of builds. You can farm delvs and dolments and world bosses and you can even get a shock staff just by doing a 10 minute quest. You can pair this reliably with the crafted set Julianos, which any average crafter can make for you (join guilds for help). Honestly, that set up is you good to go while you start to explore, expand and farm for more end game sexy gear from the dungeons and trials. You will also want to start going after monster sets (from undaunted pledges) as these 2 piece sets for head/shoulder can be game changing in terms of your dps output. Good options for magsorc dps would be Zaan (single target) and Grothdaar (aoe). For more ranged I would opt for Valkyn Skoria or Illambris probs, both are visually sexy and do good damage. Don't worry about monster sets if youre not ready for that yet, but a good guild will help you when you are.

    4) I tend to just pick a guild mate and fast travel to them from the guild roster.

    Happy gaming! Hit me up with any more questions.

  • Dietche
    For fast, free, exiting of dungeons, for a solo player that likely doesn't have a lot of people on their friends or guild lists, I'd suggest buying the inn room suite in Rimmen. Yes, you get the Champion Hall for free, but the inn room drops you right at the way-shrine there and doesn't make you go through bunches of doors and navigate taverns and all that.

    I wind up using that inn room a dozen times a day, be-bopping around helping guildmates and such.

    For MagDPS I much prefer Mother's Sorrow with New Moon Acolyte for when you first turn 160 and start getting into harder content. NMA is one of the highest damage sets in the game for sheer, raw, spell power, and no fancy BS you have to micro-manage to get the bonus to proc or maintain up-time with. It's *always* clocking ~620 damage at legendary. I def'nly do more damage with Sorrow + NMA compared to using Innate Axiom or Law of Julianos alongside Sorrow.

    Combined with the crazy crit rating from Sorrow, the Thief Mundus, and Divines trait, you'll be in the 70% crit ballpark and packing lots of heat, fully upgraded. This is a great way to begin doing harder content such as vets and trials and not be a hindrance to the team by being unable to beat the DPS-check bosses.

    Now, NMA is a 9 trait set but finding a crafter to make you the white versions of the items you need will be pretty easy, and very cheap. Walk around major town crafting areas (Summerset, Deshaan, Rimmen, etc) and look at people's titles for Grand Master Crafter. Chat them up :)

    You then just upgrade the items yourself as you can once made. The real benefit of doing it this way though is that it lets you fill in the exact slots you need after fetching the Sorrow gear, since you won't know what slots of Sorrow gear you will find, and it also lets you perfectly tailor the NMA traits right off the bat, meaning 5 less potential transmutes to deal with later.

    Be sure you max out your appropriate crafting lines gear-upgrade passives before you reach 160 so you are ready :)

    Here's the best part: Sorrow is trade-able, meaning you can find it on Guild Trader vendors all throughout Tamriel. You can buy good deals as you gallivant around and happen to be near one to browse, before you make 160. You don't have to BE level 160 to *buy* level 160 gear =] This lets you find good deals and hopefully get good traits ahead of time and even begin slowly upgrading them as needed before you ding 160 *smiles*
    Guild Leader: Sardonically Synthesized
  • Dietche
    P.S> I'd suggest getting the Mother's Sorrow as your jewelry (neck/rings) as purple items, directly from Traders. They should be about ohhh 10K each or so (but I routinely find them under 5K using the TTC website and addon) and is *drastically* cheaper than upgrading them yourself with mats which is like 30K each if not much more, or making the NMA stuff from scratch.
    Edited by Dietche on June 23, 2020 4:54PM
    Guild Leader: Sardonically Synthesized
  • Athyrium93
    To leave a dungeon quickly get a house, I'd recommend one of the free inn rooms, especially Sugar Bowl Suite in Rimmen. It is literally 10 steps from the wayshrine. Plus you get a free 30 slot storage chest with your first house, and free extra storage is amazing!

    Pick up the undaunted skill line as soon as you can, and do the daily's for it. Doing the dungeon quests will give you keys on normal mode that you can use to buy monster set shoulders. Monster sets are bomb! They are a head and shoulders only set, I can't recommend one for a sorc since my poor sorc is still level 5 and never played...... but anyway save up the undaunted keys, when you're ready start farming the helmet you want in vet dungeons (you will probably want them to be different weights probably 1 medium 1 heavy and the rest of your gear light to maximize passives)

    For the rest of your gear, try to find a build online, there are tons, just make sure it is a recent one (greymoore)

    Also try out a training dummy, the sooner you building muscle memory the better!
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