We don't really have a lot of information, but generally?
Warlock Carindon basically led a death squad into Selene's territory, proceeded to murder and torture her and her followers--and even stole Selene's soul. All of this in violation of a treaty between Selene and the Mage's guild. He tries to justify it later by claiming that Selene is dangerous and was manipulating people, but there's no evidence to support that. In fact, when you talk to him during the first quest he says he's there for knowledge, not to stop a dangerous forest spirit--and even acts surprised that Selene's bosmer followers reacted violently to...a heavily armed group trespassing in their home? Who wouldn't react violently to that?
From what we saw, Selene and her followers never acted aggressively. They just tried to defend themselves from someone who very clearly meant them harm. There was also no indication that Selene was mind controlling them the way Carindon claims, and plenty of evidence that he's more than willing to lie and break his word to get what he wants.
Selene may not be particularly friendly, and she's definitely dangerous to her enemies, but she seemed perfectly willing to keep to herself. For my money she was just a victim who was justifiably pissed off by what Carindon did.
prof-dracko wrote: »Selene actually originated in the first game, Arena, where she was unmistakably and antagonist. She had an army of dead thrall and waged a war against Valenwood. She might not be evil in ESO, but it's probably easy to assume Carindon provoked her a lot.
FrancisCrawford wrote: »