ShawnLaRock wrote: »I like to think I actively & purposefully do not fall prey to FOMO - but I spent ~800k completing the New Moon Priest motif book in the first 2 days of release.
It makes me cringe to even admit it publicly - b/c even at an 80-1 gold:Crown ratio, it would only have been ~320k.
Aaaaaand - especially because I have close to 20k Crowns sitting there unused - and I now have 3+ of each of the 14 pages in the book from farming the unintended 100% drop rate from the Dragonguard Cache - when they are even hard to get rid of for a measly 5k apiece.
Ugh. Lol.
Edit: I have not, and probably will never even actually use the style at an outfit station, ‘cause I don’t even like it that much.
SidraWillowsky wrote: »Oh god, the list is endless...
1. Went for a purple jewelry master writ because I had the zircon plating to spare, but just barely. The writ called for a harmony Julianos necklace. I made a ring.
2. Farmed the Dreugh Waters area in Stormhaven for about two hours doing nothing but killing Dreugh so I could get Dreugh Wax
3. I accidentally unequipped my staves during a vMoL run. It took me far too long to figure that one out.
4. Back when there was poison that remained in the arena after defeating the final boss in HoF, I couldn't seem to get through the door to turn in the quest. I'd die, rez, then try to open the door and immediately die. This went on for about five minutes as I became continually frustrated and was ranting to my guildies and freaking out about not being ale to turn in the quest. Turns out I was at the wrong end of the room, trying to go out the entrance...
ShawnLaRock wrote: »@Sylvermynx - I am an XBOX NA pleb - but for anyone on my sever, I can reluctantly let a full book go for, hmm... how does 700k sound? <facepalm 2.0> lol
JayKwellen wrote: »Long ago when I was still painfully new I was trying to help my husband out with his character. He was trying to change his sets around to try something new, I think it was spinners or something. I went and bought the staff for him, golded it out, and then trying to be nice I went and transmuted it to the appropriate trait for him. Oops.
The rest are mostly in Cyrodiil. While the stupidity always unfolds in different ways it typically always starts with some variation of "I got this" and ends with my staring at the death recap.