So here I am looking for this Ilambris staff that has the fire effect going on it to go along with my outfit. When I finally figured out it was a crown store item from last year. The only one available in game is the Opal version which can not be dyed. So I worries, I want it..i'll fork over the crowns for it. To my dismay...this arms pack is no longer available to purchase. Why, would they put up items only to remove them. There are people who start the game later, or even like me...left for a bit only to come back.
Now I understand having rare items, and I have no issue with rare items that are obtainable in game, to where it's so rare that you don't see many with it. However, if it's a purchasable item such as those in the crown store, why remove them when there is no actual feat it in acquiring them other than opening your wallet. Needless to say, I'm disappointed because I was really looking forward to acquiring that. I've been gone on and off for a bit, so maybe someone can answer this question: Do they tend to bring back older arms packs, and how often would you say this happens?
Thank you.
Server: PC-NA
Vincent Jurard - Breton - DK
Aronil Elsinwatch - Altmer - Templar
Ulfgar Stormbringer - Nord - Sorc
Ra'Jhera Mahrabi - Khajiit - NB
Kur Zahir - Imperial - Necro
Khur - Redguard - Warden
Lives-By-Sword - Argonian - DK
Sara Willowthorn - Bosmer - Templar
Elsa Bjariksen - Nord - NB
Soliril Elsinthar - Altmer - Sorc
Khargol Ogdum - Orc - Warden
Veros Sarvani - Dunmer - Necro
Vedran The Toxic - Dunmer - DK
Hafnar Ironbark - Nord Warden
Low - Level: Arcturus The Loyal - Templar
Guild:[Ninja Squirrels]