Crown Store Arm packs

So here I am looking for this Ilambris staff that has the fire effect going on it to go along with my outfit. When I finally figured out it was a crown store item from last year. The only one available in game is the Opal version which can not be dyed. So I worries, I want it..i'll fork over the crowns for it. To my dismay...this arms pack is no longer available to purchase. Why, would they put up items only to remove them. There are people who start the game later, or even like me...left for a bit only to come back.

Now I understand having rare items, and I have no issue with rare items that are obtainable in game, to where it's so rare that you don't see many with it. However, if it's a purchasable item such as those in the crown store, why remove them when there is no actual feat it in acquiring them other than opening your wallet. Needless to say, I'm disappointed because I was really looking forward to acquiring that. I've been gone on and off for a bit, so maybe someone can answer this question: Do they tend to bring back older arms packs, and how often would you say this happens?

Thank you.
Server: PC-NA

Vincent Jurard - Breton - DK
Aronil Elsinwatch - Altmer - Templar
Ulfgar Stormbringer - Nord - Sorc
Ra'Jhera Mahrabi - Khajiit - NB
Kur Zahir - Imperial - Necro
Khur - Redguard - Warden
Lives-By-Sword - Argonian - DK
Sara Willowthorn - Bosmer - Templar
Elsa Bjariksen - Nord - NB
Soliril Elsinthar - Altmer - Sorc
Khargol Ogdum - Orc - Warden
Veros Sarvani - Dunmer - Necro
Vedran The Toxic - Dunmer - DK
Hafnar Ironbark - Nord Warden
Low - Level: Arcturus The Loyal - Templar
[Ninja Squirrels]
  • Heidenka
    Soul Shriven
    They make the exclusives purchasable again from time to time, for example weeks ago we got the lightning arms pack in the store which was exclusive from crates from years ago if I remember correctly. So you just need to wait until they put them on sale again.
  • tomofhyrule
    I'd really like to see some Monster Arms sets rerelease. I'd like to get Ilambris or Lord Warden, but I have no idea on when (or if) they're coming back.

    We've so far had 20 monster styles release for a month each, with #21 coming up in two weeks. There are 40 dungeons at this point, with another two on the way in August. We've also had another 6 sets datamined, so we know they're coming.

    Apart from that, the only rerelease we had was Iceheart for New Life. Otherwise nothing. And even then, there were a few months with nothing, and Iceheart's rerelease took the month by itself.

    If each set is out for a month, that means we're still looking at almost 2 years to get them all released the first time. By which point, there'll be more sets as well...

    I'd like it if the Monster sets did like the crates - every month or two we'd have a few days to a week where an old set came back in addition to the set of the month.

    It is strange that the Crown Store sales model is so dependent on FOMO that they'll put something up for a limited time, and then ignore all of the people who wave cash around asking for it to come back. I get the idea, but maybe make things pop out for more than just three days over two years to get more sales? There are things (like old monster sets or especially hairstyles) that people are practically begging to pay for.
  • TheShadowScout
    They WILL eventually make it available for purchace again. Just wait and keep your eyes open!
    When? That's more of an issue, but... eventually.

    Also, the more sets they make, the closer they get to re-releasing the old ones.


    That being said...
    ...yeah, I get it.
    I wish they would keep -everything- in the crown store ALL the time, and just offer "limited time discounts"... like, keep everything in the crown store at 150% current price, but offer a "1/3 off" special discount to sell it at the "normal" price for those limited times, and let everyone decide for themselves if they want to wait, or pay extra.

    I know that when I get a really, really neat idea for a character, and want to do the outfit "nao" - I would likely shell out the extra. And I reckon some others would as well.

    It might be even better for crown furniture... few would have the inventory to just buy something while saving up for that reallybig house they could put it in, but paying a bit extra once they do buy that big house... that might actually happen for some with more funds then patience...
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