After releasing the fourth chapter, this game has taken its biggest step backwards for a crafting zone since .... well, ever. Greymoor is by far the worst place to craft in the game. In order to do your writs you must enter not one but two load screens. Once to get to the clothing station, and again to get to the enchanting station. However if you want to level your horse at the same time as you do your writs, you must no only leave the city, but go through yet another loading screen. Half the time this loading screen through the door is actually longer than it is to go to the Wayshrine, port outside of the city and then ride back up to the other side of the door. After creating 33 zones for the game, this is the only zone to feature a door with a load screen to get into the main city. If this was to improve the performance by decreasing the strain on the zone, I would get that. However the evidence is actually towards the contrary, and this door is not only detrimental to the lively hood of the city and the players, but it also speaks volumes towards the inefficiency in evolving this game for the better.