PSA for PVERS who don't like PvP

  • VaranisArano
    Oof, that's not very helpful, is it.

    BRB, going to grab my usual guides for this situation.

    If you 100% want to avoid PVP, don't queue up for a PVP zone
    I want to be very upfront about one thing: You cannot avoid the risk of PVP if you queue up for a PVP zone like Cyrodiil or Imperial City. You do not have to fight back or kill other players, but Cyrodiil, Imperial City, and (obviously) Battlegrounds are all PVP-enabled zones. PVP will happen. If you queue into a PVP-enabled zone, you are 100% consenting to engage in PVP and should expect that other people will fight you. Do not expect that people will respect questers and you will be pleased and gratified if it happens instead of disappointed when people PVP against you in a PVP enabled zone

    You don't have to fight other players.
    There's no guarantee that other players won't fight you if they find you.
    We clear?

    I want to avoid as much PVP as possible, but I really want the rewards from a PVP zone. What can I do?
    You need to minimize your exposure and time spent doing quests. To that end, prepare in these ways.
    1. Queue into one of the lower population campaigns. Seriously, the less people around, the better it is for you. Usually ZOS spins up new campaigns for Midyear Mayhem which are perfect for this. If you can do the questing at non-primetime hours, even better.
    2. Use your fast horse. Having a fast horse will allow you to reach distant quest areas faster, escape other players, and complete your quests quicker. It also makes it much less painful if you get killed and have to ride back to your quest area. If you don't have Rapid Manuevers unlocked, do the "Welcome to Cyrodiil" quest you get at your Alliance Base - there's no PVP involved and you'll get enough AP to unlock Rapid Manuevers which is a big speed boost for your mount. If you are new to Cyrodiil, I recommend doing the quest instead of just talking to the Grand Warlord because it explains the transitus shrines to "fast travel" around Cyrodiil pretty well.
    3. Get stealthy. Bring invisibility potions or other stealthy gear if you want to avoid other players. Be aware, stealth works on players but players also have means of detecting you! Use line of sight to your advantage. Finally, if you are creeping around in stealth, other players who see you may assume you are a ganker waiting to pounce, so don't be surprised if you do get attacked.
    4. Get tanky. For a pacifist run, this may seem odd. After all, you aren't going to fight back. However, gankers often go for low health, squishy targets so by getting tankier, you have a better chance of not getting targeted.

    I'm headed off to Imperial City for leads. Any particular advice?
    Same general advice about minimizing exposure works in Imperial City! However here's some specifics for if you can't avoid PVP:
    • DO NOT assume or hope that enemy players will let you pass unharmed. Imperial City is a Player v Player v Environment zone and you are a fair target, just like they are a fair target to their enemy alliances. There is NO safe conduct for anyone in the Imperial City. Treat it like the War Zone that it is. You must be prepared for enemy players (or you must accept that by not preparing, you are preparing to die miserably.)
    • Team up with other members of your alliance. There is strength in numbers. - fortunately, Imperial City is very busy during the Celebration and right now as folks hunt for leads, so you should be able to find other members of your alliance. Options for finding groups include: forming your own group before you queue for IC, ask if your guilds are running an IC group, asking in zone chat within your home base, or asking in zone chat in the sewers or districts. Having other players around makes you a less likely target for gankers or small groups and gives you a better chance of defeating the larger groups that come to farm the bosses or Molag Bal.
    • Read up on the mechanics and maps of the Districts and Sewers beforehand like you would prepare for a new dungeon or trial. Going in blind can make for a great challenge, but it also makes things a lot harder than they need to be. If you need to refresh your memory, find an out of the way spot and sneak before you check your map.
    • Build Tanky and Heal Proactively. Its tempting to build for the sort of PVE DPS you need to take on the bosses, but in reality, the enemy players are the greatest danger you will face. Building tanky will make you less of an obviously weak target for gankers and make fights more forgiving when you make mistakes. Healing proactively keeps you out of execute range. If you can, a cheap set of impenetrable gear can help against critical attacks and it will keep your gear repair needs low.
    • If you are helping to capture a flag, hold block and be alert for bombers.
    • If you are just standing around or need to check your map or bags, sneak and find an out of the way spot first.
    • If a player keeps killing you or you see a large group coming, moving to a different area is often the better part of valor, unless you really like banging your head against a wall.
    • Bring Invisibility Potions. If you can't fight the enemy, the best thing to do is sneak by them.
    • Bring Detect Potions. Detecting a ganker or a bomber can give you precious reaction time in a fight.
    • Bring Repair Kits. Your armor won't take damage from PvP deaths, but you'll fight enough daedra that your armor will get battered. Remember, you need to return to your home base to find an NPC who can repair it otherwise.
    • Clear your inventory of unnecessary stuff. When I farm Tel Var, I pick up a bunch of useless junk in the process of killing NPCs, and its dangerous to have to stop in the middle of farming to clear space in my inventory if I decide "Oh, I actually want that motif I just got with a chest."
    • Buy Sigils of Imperial Retreat. Especially if you want to farm Tel Var, Sigils are crucial to making it back to your base without having to run a gauntlet of hunters in the sewer. They can also be amazing for escaping a zerg of enemy players sweeping through a district - just duck into a building out of sight and use the Sigil.
    • For further general PvP tips, I have yet to find a better guide that Joy_Division 's PVP has moved on some since 2018, but the general tips are still solid.

    What should I do when I die (because its PVP and everyone dies)
    • Try not to get upset. Everyone dies in PVP-enabled zones, especially if you are choosing not to fight back for pacifist reasons.
    • Rez up at your nearest home keep or safe district, head back and try again.
    • If you keep dying to the same person, you've got a couple choices. 1) Try to quest somewhere else. 2) Go to zone chat and say "LFG for Quests" or form your own group so you can get assistance and be less of a target, 3) Go to zone chat, say "So-and-so is being a jerk to questers, can anyone help me out?" The PVPers will probably laugh and make fun of both you and the ganker and maybe someone will swing by and clear him out for you or offer to group up and help with the questing.
    • Ignore the jerks. Some PVPers can be rude with they kill you. Don't let them stress you out and the best way to deal with them is to ignore them. Telling them you are a quester or replying to or with hate tells usually only makes it worse. If you do receive a tell you think is against the TOS, however, go ahead and report that.
    • There are some quest-giver buildings where combat is enabled despite requiring you to pass through a load screen. If enemy players have set up inside those buildings, you might well be dead before you load in. Don't bang your head against a wall trying to pry them out. (This is technically not an exploit, but feel free to inform ZOS anyway because IMO, ZOS ought to fix those buildings.) The same thing is true of the sewer exits in Imperial City. If someone is camping those ledges and killing you in a loading screen, use the ladders to go up to the Districts and then drop into the sewers from there. Its not ideal, but ZOS hasn't fixed this AFAIK.

    I hope this helps players who really want to go to PVP-enabled zones, even if its just for rewards.

    I like PvP. I like PvE. I like PvPvE. I also recognize that learning to PvP or PvPvE is a steep learning curve that doesn't appeal to every player. Not every player is going to enjoy PVP and that's okay.

    If you know that the Imperial City and Cyrodiil is content that frustrates you, my advice to you is that you conquer the "Fear of Missing Out" that ZOS constantly leverages with these events and rewards. If you are able, just don't subject yourself to something you don't enjoy in pursuit of some fleeting rewards. Leave PVP-enabled zones to those who enjoy it. If you show up anyway, I'm going to ask exactly what result you expected from forcing yourself to do content you know you dislike.

    On the other hand, it you aren't sure or you think you might enjoy PVP, give it a shot! The best thing you can do is come prepared for PvPvE, accept that you will die along with the rest of us and that's okay, and do your best to have fun!
    Edited by VaranisArano on June 11, 2020 3:05PM
  • AmoralOne
    Smh.. I love you, and thank you for this much needed thread *raises pitchfork* L2P PvE pumpkins
    PC NA - EP's Greatest Support
  • xF1REFL1x
    Woah dude...
  • Kiralyn2000
    Ah, look. Someone reinforcing the negative stereotypes of PvP'ers.
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on June 11, 2020 2:44PM
  • Ratzkifal
    This has been an eye-opening for me!
    I needed someone to tell me L2P. Now that you have, I have immediately gotten "gud" and am only one keep away from becoming Emperor. Thanks, without you I would have never learned how to play and would have continued to dislike pvp because it was my lack of learning that made me dislike it and not personal preference or anything!
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • Gnome_Saiyan
    You must go through a lot of band-aids, what with all that edge.
    Roll your Self before you Role yourself
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    You PvP only?

    Cute. I do all content. :tongue:
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Arca94
    well despite his bluntness... I can't fault the statement
  • SidraWillowsky
    Wow, so original!

  • Vietfox
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    This has been an eye-opening for me!
    I needed someone to tell me L2P. Now that you have, I have immediately gotten "gud" and am only one keep away from becoming Emperor. Thanks, without you I would have never learned how to play and would have continued to dislike pvp because it was my lack of learning that made me dislike it and not personal preference or anything!

    Glad i was helpful :)
  • Vietfox
    You PvP only?

    Cute. I do all content. :tongue:

    Except when i'm forced to PvE, like getting a monster helmet :(
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    Ah, MMO forums. The true PvP experience
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
  • Vietfox
    Oof, that's not very helpful, is it.

    BRB, going to grab my usual guides for this situation.

    i wish i was like you, seriously. I love how you can tell to pvers to adapt to pvp zones without getting triggered.
  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    I would add to that with "Copy or build a meta build" It makes wonders, suddenly you became "gud" and "learned to play", also get 20 of your buddies to gank someone fighting a boss and you will feel godlike. Of course you should be a nightblade and perma stealth... :wink:

    Aside the joke, PvP in this game is unfair, unbalanced and requires good players skills to be really good. It was I think designed that way. You can learn it. I spent a lot of time learning it, and got to a conclusion that you just need to follow the meta, and learn positioning, be mobile, and time your skills perfectly to have more success than failure.

    Don't expect it from everyone to walk down that path, some other player might play the game for an entirely different reason. And probably have no desire to participate in it.
  • Vietfox
    I would add to that with "Copy or build a meta build" It makes wonders, suddenly you became "gud" and "learned to play", also get 20 of your buddies to gank someone fighting a boss and you will feel godlike. Of course you should be a nightblade and perma stealth... :wink:

    Aside the joke, PvP in this game is unfair, unbalanced and requires good players skills to be really good. It was I think designed that way. You can learn it. I spent a lot of time learning it, and got to a conclusion that you just need to follow the meta, and learn positioning, be mobile, and time your skills perfectly to have more success than failure.

    Don't expect it from everyone to walk down that path, some other player might play the game for an entirely different reason. And probably have no desire to participate in it.

    you know? it's funny because i was originally a pver who had no idea about how mmos worked, ESO was my first mmo game, so i had to learn everything by myself. If i was able get good at pvp that means everyone can get good at it as well, that's why i think anyone who despises pvp is just too lazy to even try to get good at it.
  • Integral1900
    I know how to play but let me give you an analogy as you see bent on making people angry for some tedious reason

    PVP is like being kicked in the crotch... I know precisely how to get it done... I simply do not enjoy it

    This kind of thing is a perfect example of why PVP gets no investment, why it’s numbers dwindle regardless of how bad the servers are, sooner or later you run into someone who would post a thread like this in PVP, you then sit for a moment and ponder why you are taking part in such a miserable experience... then you leave and don’t come back

    Do keep going though, at this rate the whole game mode will go extinct and save the rest of us the trouble
    Edited by Integral1900 on June 11, 2020 3:07PM
  • Vietfox
    I know how to play but let me give you an analogy as you see bent on making people angry for some tedious reason

    PVP is like being kicked in the crotch

    That's what makes it awesome.
  • Starlock
    Ah, look. Someone reinforcing the negative stereotypes of PvP'ers.

    Well, stereotypes exist because there is truth in them, so...
  • AmoralOne
    I know how to play but let me give you an analogy as you see bent on making people angry for some tedious reason

    PVP is like being kicked in the crotch... I know precisely how to get it done... I simply do not enjoy it

    This kind of thing is a perfect example of why PVP gets no investment, why it’s numbers dwindle regardless of how bad the servers are, sooner or later you run into someone who would post a thread like this in PVP, you then sit for a moment and ponder why you are taking part in such a miserable experience... then you leave and don’t come back

    Maybe you dont enjoy it cause you are not playing an Argonian Support :D Join us hist brother
    PC NA - EP's Greatest Support
  • idk
    You PvP only?

    Cute. I do all content. :tongue:

    Same here since before this game launched. I also know plenty of solid players that are not into PvP which says nothing about their ability to play.
  • Darkenarlol
    pure old school fat troll's award!

    raised my mood ty B)
  • Pauls
  • KMarble

    Aside the joke, PvP in this game is unfair, unbalanced and requires good players skills to be really good.

    How is that unfair? You learn about your skills, your weaknesses and strengths; learn about other classes weaknesses and strengths, then apply all of that when playing it. Once you do that, you get to enjoy so success in PvP.
    TL;DR: you L2P and as a reward you git gud.
    It was I think designed that way. You can learn it. I spent a lot of time learning it, and got to a conclusion that you just need to follow the meta, and learn positioning, be mobile, and time your skills perfectly to have more success than failure.

    I strongly disagree with the part I highlighted. Following the meta, specially in PvP, means very little*. PvP is harder than PvE because of its nature - you cannot guess what your opponent will do next. This makes it imperative to know yours (not just your char's class, but also the player's ) weak and strong points.

    *How many times have you heard/read someone complain that they followed the meta for *insert class here* and yet they cannot reach the same numbers as the creator of the build?

  • Danksta
    But what about the PvP'ers that like to PvP and suck at it (most of them), shouldn't they L2P as well?
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Vietfox
    Danksta wrote: »
    But what about the PvP'ers that like to PvP and suck at it (most of them), shouldn't they L2P as well?

    Difference is that at least they try.
  • Kadoin
    I have a better idea: simply find broken gear sets and stack them. There are plenty this patch, and don't worry because ZOS never nerfs proc sets or OP sets.

    They like to go for the sets that people either use in a non-meta build or sets that actually should be buffed instead.

    Find the meta, join it, and then pretend you are good. You'll be a pro PVPer before you know it.

    And if not...You can at least say "I PvPed"
  • Vietfox
    Ah, look. Someone reinforcing the negative stereotypes of PvP'ers.

    So you guys are telling me you don't want to hear the truth? :)
  • Danksta
    Vietfox wrote: »

    Difference is that at least they try.

    I mean i like the idea of Cyrodiil but in practice it sucks. Maybe you should tell the devs to L2P since they obviously don't play their own game. If they did I'm sure it would run much better. Instead we're left with a barely functioning Cyrodiil and a dwindling PvP population.

    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • DracoSaggitaExSole
    KMarble wrote: »

    How is that unfair? You learn about your skills, your weaknesses and strengths; learn about other classes weaknesses and strengths, then apply all of that when playing it. Once you do that, you get to enjoy so success in PvP.
    TL;DR: you L2P and as a reward you git gud.

    I strongly disagree with the part I highlighted. Following the meta, specially in PvP, means very little*. PvP is harder than PvE because of its nature - you cannot guess what your opponent will do next. This makes it imperative to know yours (not just your char's class, but also the player's ) weak and strong points.

    *How many times have you heard/read someone complain that they followed the meta for *insert class here* and yet they cannot reach the same numbers as the creator of the build?

    I agree with the learning part. You learn your preferred class, and your foes that is a valid point. By unfair I meant more of the fight scenarios... You hardly ever going to have a fair fight. Expect that sometimes you are going to be more in numbers, and there are time when you are going to be outnumbered. Unfair because someone might runs a build that wrecks you in a split second from stealth... So by unfair I meant the fight scenarios not just builds and skills.

    About the meta... Some builds are just better suited to stay alive, stay mobile, and do a lot of damage. And some builds just useless in PvP. It is my personal experience.
  • Vietfox
    Danksta wrote: »

    I mean i like the idea of Cyrodiil but in practice it sucks. Maybe you should tell the devs to L2P

    I completely agree with that, some of the combat changes makes me think they don't pvp at all.
This discussion has been closed.