This has been an eye-opening for me!
I needed someone to tell me L2P. Now that you have, I have immediately gotten "gud" and am only one keep away from becoming Emperor. Thanks, without you I would have never learned how to play and would have continued to dislike pvp because it was my lack of learning that made me dislike it and not personal preference or anything!
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »You PvP only?
Cute. I do all content.
VaranisArano wrote: »Oof, that's not very helpful, is it.
BRB, going to grab my usual guides for this situation.
DracoSaggitaExSole wrote: »I would add to that with "Copy or build a meta build" It makes wonders, suddenly you became "gud" and "learned to play", also get 20 of your buddies to gank someone fighting a boss and you will feel godlike. Of course you should be a nightblade and perma stealth...
Aside the joke, PvP in this game is unfair, unbalanced and requires good players skills to be really good. It was I think designed that way. You can learn it. I spent a lot of time learning it, and got to a conclusion that you just need to follow the meta, and learn positioning, be mobile, and time your skills perfectly to have more success than failure.
Don't expect it from everyone to walk down that path, some other player might play the game for an entirely different reason. And probably have no desire to participate in it.
Integral1900 wrote: »I know how to play but let me give you an analogy as you see bent on making people angry for some tedious reason
PVP is like being kicked in the crotch
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Ah, look. Someone reinforcing the negative stereotypes of PvP'ers.
Integral1900 wrote: »I know how to play but let me give you an analogy as you see bent on making people angry for some tedious reason
PVP is like being kicked in the crotch... I know precisely how to get it done... I simply do not enjoy it
This kind of thing is a perfect example of why PVP gets no investment, why it’s numbers dwindle regardless of how bad the servers are, sooner or later you run into someone who would post a thread like this in PVP, you then sit for a moment and ponder why you are taking part in such a miserable experience... then you leave and don’t come back
CMDR_Un1k0rn wrote: »You PvP only?
Cute. I do all content.
DracoSaggitaExSole wrote: »
Aside the joke, PvP in this game is unfair, unbalanced and requires good players skills to be really good.
DracoSaggitaExSole wrote: »It was I think designed that way. You can learn it. I spent a lot of time learning it, and got to a conclusion that you just need to follow the meta, and learn positioning, be mobile, and time your skills perfectly to have more success than failure.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Ah, look. Someone reinforcing the negative stereotypes of PvP'ers.
Difference is that at least they try.
How is that unfair? You learn about your skills, your weaknesses and strengths; learn about other classes weaknesses and strengths, then apply all of that when playing it. Once you do that, you get to enjoy so success in PvP.
TL;DR: you L2P and as a reward you git gud.
I strongly disagree with the part I highlighted. Following the meta, specially in PvP, means very little*. PvP is harder than PvE because of its nature - you cannot guess what your opponent will do next. This makes it imperative to know yours (not just your char's class, but also the player's ) weak and strong points.
*How many times have you heard/read someone complain that they followed the meta for *insert class here* and yet they cannot reach the same numbers as the creator of the build?
I mean i like the idea of Cyrodiil but in practice it sucks. Maybe you should tell the devs to L2P