I have PS4 +
I have ESO +
I want to upgrade my eso to Greymoore,.
There are four (4) purchase options on the ps4 store
The Elder Scrolls Online: 59.99 - I have eso so I don't think I need this one. I have the base game
The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Upgrade: 39.99 - I want to buy this one because it's cheap
The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Collectors Edition: 79.99 - I think this is if you don;t have the game and want all the free stuff
The Elder Scrolls Online Greymoor Collectors Edition Upgrade: 49.99 - I think this is the same as #2 exc3ept you get all the free stuff
Since PS4 wasn't able to pre purchase, and one of these will provide the free stuff. Is there any reason I shouldn't buy the 39.99 edition?
All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....