There's that Brassy Assassin personality of Naryu's but that doesn't usually come back around until the Morrowind Chapter Event. There aren't any other feminine personalities although some consider that jester personality flamboyant, it's more comical than anything really.
AcadianPaladin wrote: »My elf also finds the dutchess a bit over the top. She is more 'cute' than overly 'girly' - perhaps a bit like Eveli Sharp-Arrow in Wrothgar. And she certainly doesn't present as 'mysterious' or 'intimidating'. The Cheerful personality works quite well for her.
Dusk_Coven wrote: »
I feel that Cheerful is overdone too. I'd have liked a simple one like the banker at Vivec for "cheerful", or just "happy".
If you are commenting on the Duchess personality, @NotaDaedraWorshipper , then it can be selected for any gender. In fact, it is like a second skin on my High-Elf, male Sorc. Whilst waiting for Geysers or Dolmens to spawn, he gets no end of admiring comments and emotes, when he preens himself in the mirror and flirts with his fan. He must have been made for the stage because he loves it.