I'm not holding my breath, but then again there was a time when I would have sworn we'd never get two handed weapons counting as two set pieces so who knows? 🤷♂️
thedavidventer wrote: »I’d love to use a main wand/scepter + offhand spell book, or a main hand spell blade and an offhand focus of some kind, like a crystal orb or something. That would be so cool.
adriant1978 wrote: »Not until they can figure out some way to monetize it, which would mean making it part of a future Chapter...
UntilValhalla13 wrote: »They'd have to go back and add the new weapon type to every single loot drop table in the game. Can you imagine how much stuff that would break in the process? XD
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »The argument against this used to be that Mag had almost all of the class skills, so it was only fair that Stam would get most of the weapon options. That seems to have shifted over time though, as the newer classes have tons of Stam morphs and DK even has a Stam base skill now.
kaisernick wrote: »I know at one point they planned one but it has been years
Bradyfjord wrote: »
Adding new weapons doesn't necessarily mean adding them to old loot tables. We would have to play new content for the new items. To me it would make for a more interesting meta when considering how to gear our toons. Or put another way, you couldn't get the new weapons/items from old (easier) content.
Bradyfjord wrote: »
Adding new weapons doesn't necessarily mean adding them to old loot tables. We would have to play new content for the new items. To me it would make for a more interesting meta when considering how to gear our toons. Or put another way, you couldn't get the new weapons/items from old (easier) content.
Then that creates the issue of the new weapons not being available in existing sets people would still want to use.
adriant1978 wrote: »Not until they can figure out some way to monetize it, which would mean making it part of a future Chapter...
Considering that a new weapon line would need to be part of the base game with how set drops and all that work, I doubt that's the hold up.
It's more likely the holdup is simple development priorities. It's also well-known that developers will deliberately wait on certain quality of life improvements for games-as-service games to incentivize customers to return or continue playing.
So we'll get it eventually. It's really just a matter of time before they add it to the base game.
kaisernick wrote: »I know at one point they planned one but it has been years
I have never heard Zos say they were considering a new weapon line. The closest I have heard of them considering adding anything was spell crafting but that is not a weapon line.
I say this wondering if you could fill me in on what I seemed to have missed since Zos tends to keep a closed trap since the spell crafting blunder.
the1andonlyskwex wrote: »The argument against this used to be that Mag had almost all of the class skills, so it was only fair that Stam would get most of the weapon options. That seems to have shifted over time though, as the newer classes have tons of Stam morphs and DK even has a Stam base skill now.
One can hope!kaisernick wrote: »Will magicka ever get a new weapon line?
kaisernick wrote: »I know at one point they planned one but it has been years and magicka realy only have one choice the staff. (i say one as you dont really see a dps magicka using a healing staff unless its their offhand skill line and vice versa and lets be real theres not much difference in them)
im not askin for a definate yes but is it at least considerd still as it would be nice to have the option.
kaisernick wrote: »I know at one point they planned one but it has been years and magicka realy only have one choice the staff. (i say one as you dont really see a dps magicka using a healing staff unless its their offhand skill line and vice versa and lets be real theres not much difference in them)
im not askin for a definate yes but is it at least considerd still as it would be nice to have the option.
The obvious solution to everyone saying they can't do this because they'd have to "go back and add them into the loot tables" is easy.
Just add in 3 more different variations of staves. A conjuration, illusion, and alteration one. They don't even need new models.
And at the very least this would cover all the main schools of magic. Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, and Alteration.
Alteration would prob be a tank/support line.
Conjuration would be DPS-summoning.
Illusion would be full support.