some good news from customer support about the guild theft we had

Date Created: 04/22/2020 05:06 AM
Date Last Updated: 06/04/2020 03:58 PM

Status: Read Answer Provided
Message Log:
The Elder Scrolls Online Team response on 06/04/2020 03:58 PM

Thank you for reporting this incident. We are still investigating the information you have provided. Please note, to protect individual privacy, we do not disclose the outcome of any investigation.
If any items can be restored, we will send you those items via in-game mail. It may take some time to fully conclude our research, so we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Bethesda Customer Support
I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

BTW, I use arch too
  • thissocalledflower
    WOOT. investigation on going... and at least the possibility of item restored
    After careful consideration (and oh! so much deliberation) we have concluded that you circumstance sounds too much like a l2p issue for it to be just a mere coincidence.
  • JPS

    That is the standard reply you get when you report someone. Did you honestly think they would do something with it ? :D
  • dhboy123
    Can I place a bet it won't be resolved? Please.
  • SeaGtGruff
    JPS wrote: »
    That is the standard reply you get when you report someone. Did you honestly think they would do something with it ? :D

    Considering that this was a bit different than someone just cleaning out a guild bank and then leaving the guild, yes.

    I remember when @Lady_Linux originally posted about this and included screenshots of the mail she received from the player in question, where he(?) attempted to actually extort a large amount of gold from her.

    So yes, I can well imagine that ZOS just might be treating this a bit more seriously than an everyday case of a player cleaning out a guild bank.
    I've fought mudcrabs more fearsome than me!
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