There are three sets that reduce stealth radius, and the set bonuses are on a 3, 4, and 5. This means that you can benefit from all three at once. They are medium armor so you also get the stealth passive.
If you do this as a Khajiit you are now completely invisible and can literally stand in front of NPCs and they don't notice you till you touch them. If you aren't then as long as you stand out of melee range (approx, but I use it as a guide) you can still stealth past NPCs' faces.
Something to note though, murder is special. Even though you may be hidden when you initiate the murder, your stealth bonus drops to pretty much nothing while it is taking place (people notice the victim even if YOU are stealthy) so you can still be caught if you do it within eyesight.
LoneDrkWolf wrote: »Here's an update. Went onto my "main", if thats what you want to call him. FULL leather, maxed Dark Brotherhood, maxed Thieves (lol 50 757). He now has issues staying syealthed. [snip] The main has fully maxed ALL crafts. He used to get mail deliveries for crafting items. It is now hit or miss. He gets a couple, but the rest go to another lol 50 character I have, that hasn't put ANY SKILL points into crafting. [snip] Say what you want but that last little bit proves they're screwing with peoples accounts. And no haven't gotten greymoor. I dont upgrade for at least a week from now.
[Edited for Conspiracy]
LoneDrkWolf wrote: »Here's an update. Went onto my "main", if thats what you want to call him. FULL leather, maxed Dark Brotherhood, maxed Thieves (lol 50 757). He now has issues staying syealthed. [snip] The main has fully maxed ALL crafts. He used to get mail deliveries for crafting items. It is now hit or miss. He gets a couple, but the rest go to another lol 50 character I have, that hasn't put ANY SKILL points into crafting. [snip] Say what you want but that last little bit proves they're screwing with peoples accounts. And no haven't gotten greymoor. I dont upgrade for at least a week from now.
[Edited for Conspiracy]
If you do this as a Khajiit you are now completely invisible and can literally stand in front of NPCs and they don't notice you till you touch them.
LoneDrkWolf wrote: »Here's an update. Went onto my "main", if thats what you want to call him. FULL leather, maxed Dark Brotherhood, maxed Thieves (lol 50 757). He now has issues staying syealthed. [snip] The main has fully maxed ALL crafts. He used to get mail deliveries for crafting items. It is now hit or miss. He gets a couple, but the rest go to another lol 50 character I have, that hasn't put ANY SKILL points into crafting. [snip] Say what you want but that last little bit proves they're screwing with peoples accounts. And no haven't gotten greymoor. I dont upgrade for at least a week from now.
[Edited for Conspiracy]
Hireling mails always show the name of the char you are on. So if you reloged from your crafter, to another char then open mail ofc it will show that chars name
volkeswagon wrote: »i wear night terror, night mothers embrace and another and I can literally sneak between two npc's who are standing three feet apart. I do find that the detection radius reductions aren't the same for monsters. I find i can't sneak past them nearly as well