Morning all,
I've been running tests for a few hours with this mythic item it is definitely not resulting in a 25% damage increase. Here were my test parameters:
-One-to-One comparisson with identical stats, sets and skills - but having only a 1 set bonus and having either a regular ring or the ring of malacath to see the damage difference.
-Aside from the unique bonus, the ring of malacath and the regular ring are both gold, arcane, spellpower.
-Using dots, DDs, AoE DDs and channels to test the damage.
-Elemental and straight magic damage.
The following abilities were tested:
Soul Assault
Stalking Blast Bones
Crushing Shock
Light Attack
Heavy Attack
They were tested on net zero resist target - The precursor Target dummy. Zero resists were confirmed as all spells had the same damage with or without major breach on the target. I have light armor, lover stone and I'm CP810 - so basically I've confirmed the target has no resists interfering with the testing.
In all cases, the damage bonus was almost 15%. This makes me wonder as to true value and effectiveness of this ring. Is the supposed bonus (25%) being multiplied in prior to other multiplicative effects?
In any case, you are definitely not benefiting from 25% damage in ANY of the tested scenarios. Any thoughts?