Earlier I made this thread about next year being Cyrodiil. But in that Thread I saw some posts from people that thought we might see Hammerfell. After doing some things in the chapter like quests and talking to Npcs I'm certain we are going to see both Hammerfell and Cyrodiil.
One quest doe stand out, its the one involving the stuck Boat. The Captain makes mention of the City of Rihad now why is this significant you might wonder look at the map.

The Town borders Cyrodiil and most importantly The Colovian estates where Skingrad is located and it also Borders Kvatch and Anvil being the next port over from Rihad. I think those two locations will be the chapter and forth quarter dlc of 2021.
Now onto the Theme and the Storyline Plot we are likely to see next year.
Though I have not finished the quest helping the Ghost Hunters in Black Reach. I don't know how that one ends yet so don't spoil it but I have this feeling or theory that we have not seen the last of these two Ghost Busters wannabes and I'm certain we are going to see a lot more of them next year. Because I'm certain of one thing about next years theme. Last years Theme was Dragons, This years theme is Vampires, Witches and Werewolves. What will next years theme be?
Last Month was a Statuette of Sithis, The statuette we got this month was of the Mermaid of Anvil and there is going to be a statuette of Ayleid with Eagle. What I'm saying here is that this is no coincidence. Then we got a Quest with Ghost Buster Like Npcs. Then we have the Dragonhome Delve and that Talking Doll that looks like a Casper and the doll does look like a Ghost. Plus I won't spoil it other then saying there is a certain house this dolls quest obviously references from Oblivion.
Anvil had this problem with having haunted places in Tes 4, there was a Haunted Ghost ship and there was a Haunted House. The Haunted Ship was caused by a rogue Dark Brotherhood Member Murdering the Npcs on the ship and by doing this the ship is haunted then we have that house in Anvil that was haunted and we have to deal with the Former Owner who turned himself into a Lich and you kill him. Ayleids have this tendency to show up as Ghosts or Liches for some reason and I think we might see something like that next year.
Hints all around in Greymoor hint towards Ghosts as the Main Plot of Next year. Next year has a very High chance of being Ghost Busters Themed. The Proof, Ghost Busters like quest seen in Black Reach. Npcs keep referencing Ghosts, We have a doll that looks like a Ghost and who's quests is a direct reference to the one quest in Oblivion involving Ghosts , We have killable Npcs that makes references to Ghosts. We have Vampiric Drain that looks something that comes from Ghost Busters.
The Ghost hints are all around Greymoor, Dialog talking about Ghosts pop up quite a bit in this chapter from the Npcs.
So what the plot will be can be anyone's guess but one things for sure I'm certain its going to be both Ghost Themed in some way and possibly themed after Ghost Busters. There is a very high chance we will be seeing the Cities of Rihad and Skingrad Next Year as the chapter and Forth quarter dlc locations. As there is both references to Cyrodiil and Hammerfell in the chapter. We have a direct mention of Rihad which is right next to Anvil/Kvatch and Skingrad.
So what do you think about this?