My mesmerize has worked on all npc's right up until last night. Now it does not effect any npc's.
When I use mesmerize around npc's they still will not talk to me, and the visual effect is not showing on them, as if the ability is just going right through them.
I saw on another post, this has been an issue since pts, and it is still not fixed yet...
This is so annoying, and really breaks immersion for me.
There are no ways I can fix it. I have cured my vampirism, removed all the abilities and reselected them, tried attacking people in city to see if that triggers some result... I have no idea of what to do about this?
Now I can not sell or repair, I can not talk to any npc's that are not absolutely essential to my gameplay as long as I am a stage 4 vampire.
Please just fix this damn, gamebreaking bug or remove the mechanic of people not talking to stage 4 vamps if you can not get the ability to work as it is intended... because this is just stupid.