Level 10 -go to your factions pvp zone (press L)
Do Welcome quest -there is NO fighting
Get 3 skill pts
Unlock ability to go much faster on your horse everywhere
Install the main addon manager we all use
Ask in zone what that is -not sure I can name it here
Do not try to install individual things and libraries yourself
Leave it to the manager
There is a player with a website who cares for new players
He has every guide imaginable with pictures and maps
He will answer all your questions like, is stamina 'better' than 'magic'
Ask in zone who that is...
Join a guild now
Most guilds will take you at lvl 3
Don't feel like you have to 'do something first'
Lots like giving new players all the stuff lying around in their guild banks that is only good for new players
They will hold your hand in dgs
They will help you level
Lots have free traders still
They will nicely tell you why taunting a boss is not okay as a dps...
It is great to see the millions of you out there