I got Health De synced by a sniper named after the exploit and you’re trying to sell me DLC?

This is actually a perfect way to summarise how this game plays, a player named after an exploit, using an exploit that he himself probably came to the conclusion “if you can’t beat em, join em”, the joke is now so apparent to everyone that you just have to laugh at it. I have lost total faith in the dev team of this game, the joke gets bigger and bigger and totally at the cost of the players, how can you honestly expect people to pay for a premium monthly subscription service and yearly expansions when the bugs and performance and exploits of this game have become trivial. The fact that this glitch, the stuck in combat glitch, sprint glitch and various others persist from update to update makes me question, how do you prioritise fixes in this game? I actually don’t know anyone I’ve ever played with that cares about random fixes like “fixed the mismatched shoe colour on the random NPC in fungal grotto 2”, whilst just ignoring the bugs and performance decline that had caused everyone I used to play with quit the game. The constant removal posts only exposes the North Korean styled approach to making anything critical of itself disappear, please fix this game, If I buy my next gen console and see this game plays like it did on a system from nearly a decade ago, it will be my last purchase.
  • Unfadingsilence
    Your hopes of the next gen console to help you have a better gameplay experience is going to be slim to none especially since Sony and Microsoft has already stated a few games will still remain the same and run only at 30 fps also you might have a better ping but you might not especially since when ESO does updates Microsoft and Sony have to approve the coding that they send them and they make there own tweaks as well which can add more problems. Honestly if you want a better game experience move to PC "yes currently its a mess" but PC just had its new update. And I left xbox NA ans and EU 18 toons on NA over 1400 CP and 3 toons on EU at 860 CP over 15k hours played on both sides and now that I'm on PC I truly see this game was made for PC and not console. I enjoyed it for over 5 years on xbox but I'm enjoying it much more on PC. Also yah I understand the frustration if you leave to come to PC its hard i get it and with all the time and $$$ I spent on xbox "over $5000.00 easy" I can understand the frustration you feel dealing with a broken game.
  • Artorias24
    More power aka stronger PC/console isnt going to help with ESO Performance.

    The game is not optimized at all. Running on a 3k € PC and still only get Like 30-40 FPS. While other games with much higher grafics running easily at 120 FPS.

    And also server Performance wont chance with a new system on your end.

    Sorry to kill your Hope. Nothing will change
  • PeterUnlustig
    Holy sheesh! Which color did they choose for the goblin king shoes?
    I totally missed that change
    Fawn4287 wrote: »
    “fixed the mismatched shoe colour on the random NPC in fungal grotto 2”

  • kelticfuryub17_ESO
    My only comment is that 30 fps is unacceptable. This is 2020 not 1990.
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