Follow up;
I noticed that there is a connection to Western Skyrim (via boat) from Eldenroot, Mournhold, and Wayrest.
I hope this helps!
SeaGtGruff wrote: »You can walk into Western Skyrim via Blackreach.
Enter Blackreach: Mzark Cavern from Eastmarch, via the secret passage in the basement of the Grinning Horker tavern.
Then, at the far left of the Blackreach: Mzark Cavern map, go up the steps which are near the place where you can access the lift that takes you to the overlook above Giant's Run Dolmen.
At the top of those steps is a door that goes to Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
From there you can go up to Western Skyrim.
So, yes, Western Skyrim can be reached without using a wayshrine or a boat-- although boat is certainly an acceptable method of getting from one zone to another when there's no connecting land route.
The prologue area is still accessible in the chapter?
Hey, I have been wishing for that for EVERY expansion for a while now... that they would not let people just wayshrine there, but make an "travel" quest that leads exactly to the tutorial, just not as tutoriel but as chapter intro... sail for vvardenfell, get shipwrecked at firemopth isle, enter a mage portal to summerset, end up in a sload mind trap, take the cart to riverhold, get caught in a dragon attack, traven to western skyrim, get beset by witches and their allies... alas, paths not taken.ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »There is a wagon outside Mournhold that will take you to Western Skyrim. Wish there was a quest giver there to start the quest and, y'know, show you the cinematic where the witches attack and let you play through the tutorial/story beginning to get into the zone proper.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Yeah, as has been said, for now we have going there by boat (the most lore-friendly way) and through blackreach, tho that one is better left for later, since discovering the western blackreach caverns is a thing for the story as it unfolds...
TheShadowScout wrote: »Yeah, as has been said, for now we have going there by boat (the most lore-friendly way) and through blackreach, tho that one is better left for later, since discovering the western blackreach caverns is a thing for the story as it unfolds...
As for an overland route... well, as mentioned, right now western skyrim does not touch and other region... but! There are several "locked door" places on the edge of the map, so... it seems likely that eventually, there will be conenctions to other places, and with them, refitted overland access.
Hey, I have been wishing for that for EVERY expansion for a while now... that they would not let people just wayshrine there, but make an "travel" quest that leads exactly to the tutorial, just not as tutoriel but as chapter intro... sail for vvardenfell, get shipwrecked at firemopth isle, enter a mage portal to summerset, end up in a sload mind trap, take the cart to riverhold, get caught in a dragon attack, traven to western skyrim, get beset by witches and their allies... alas, paths not taken.
More like in a sense of "What, Blackreach extends -THIS FAR- to the west???" - at least, that is what I recall Lyris saying at the time...SeaGtGruff wrote: »...even though you already know about Blackreach from the Prologue quest, so I assume that any surprise or sense of important discovery must relate to what or who is in Blackreach, rather than the existence of Blackreach.
YES!ProfessorKittyhawk wrote: »
But it would be hilarious that every time a new chapter comes out some new catastrophe happens to our characters. Taken prisoner by the worm culy and killed to wake up in Coldharbour. Taking a nice cruise to Vvardenfell only to get attacked by slavers. Taking a nice ride to Summerset only to get caught in a mind trap by the Sload. Having a nice ride to Elsweyr only to get attacked by a dragon. And then heading to Skyrim only to get waylaid by witches and spookems. We have the worst luck.
TheShadowScout wrote: »More like in a sense of "What, Blackreach extends -THIS FAR- to the west???" - at least, that is what I recall Lyris saying at the time...