Old Vampirism, Stages lasted 6 hours, every use of a vampire ability decreased the timer by 30 minutes. So each time you used an ability your vampirism become stronger and you became thirstier. This mechanic needs to come back it really does and instead of increasing using an vampire ability so many times should reduce the stage.
The Purifyinbg mara should when drank take you back to stage one and it should be given the health regen effect. While Corrupted bloody mara increases your vampire stage by one. So I would like to see them flip these around.
Here is the reason, why.
Purifying bloody mara is the one that decreases your vampire stage now. However it still decreases it by one stage. That means if I want to go feeding and then lower back to one very quickly. Because I don't like stage one and maybe want to make it seem like my character is fully looking fed at stage one. Its going to waste the mara each time its done. However by doing this I can just drink one and bam stage one. Also the health recovery should be put on this one because of the stage four weakness basically stunting any form of Health Regen making it useless on the corrupted Bloody Mara for a Vampire.
So is there anyone else that thinks this should be done?
The thing is I've seen players asking how to reduce your vampire stage the only way currently is to wait it out or drink a few purifying bloody mara's.
There will be a furnishing that will do it but I do think there needs to be more then one option. There needs to be a way to reduce it outside of Bloody Mara and the new furnishing.
Edited by Thevampirenight on May 28, 2020 1:30AM PC NA
Please add Fangs to Vampires.