Taleof2Cities wrote: »Not sure if you unintentionally or conveniently forgot about the Blackreach map, @JD2013?
Because that's a very large playable area for this Chapter ... do you have Greymoor?
Beastygrowls wrote: »It's WESTERN Skyrim. It isn't the whole thing. Besides, you have Blackreach. Did you even both going down there and seeing how huge it is? FAAARRRRR larger than the Blackreach in Skyrim.
I thought the elephant in the room was, well... I was pretty stoked about a viking-esque story, the trailer was awesome and gritty, and the assassins creed trailer recently pumped me up... I also had concerns though that all male nords would be portrayed as Righurts... I guess I don't need to worry about that as there aren't any male nord quest givers, well none that I've found. Are they all in Blackreach? Hiding in their toolsheds drinking mead? Maybe so far I've only done the quests where they are not. It kinda feels like Western Skyrim is the Amazons.
Are you saying I should stop being a strong, independent Redguard woman and be a strong, independent Nord woman this patch?
Hmm...Nord did have better passives for PvP...
shaielzafine wrote: »Doing more content in an expansion but every 2 years for more dev time instead of yearly sounds like a good plan. When FF14 dropped Shadowbringers as you mentioned it gave at least 6 new explorable zones with flying, underwater exploration. Multiple dungeons, trials, 8 man raids with multiple difficulties, 24 man raids at later patch, continuing storyline and end game for crafters & gatherers at later patch. Casual stuff like ocean fishing gives pets, achievements, mounts. We got Shadowbringer relic weapons & that doesn't involve going back to the same fight to do it over and over again like they did vMA, they are giving us actual new content to enjoy with the new rewards. WoW is similar with the content in their expansion as well, mythic+ could be implemented in ESO if they really wanted.
A bigger expansion with more content and Skyrim like detail would be better. The QoL fixes / patches you mentioned seems like they are needed (regularly). My expectation would be they'd deliver a higher quality product overall, but idk. They have been consistently like this with the DLC every 3 months + a chapter.
TwiceBornStar wrote: »I can't speak for everyone, but I got into ESO about one-and-a-half year ago. There's plenty for me to explore, and I can't really keep up with the expansions, so I wouldn't mind if they took their sweet time releasing new chapters, if that means we get more bang for our buck. I suppose an MMO is about quantity as well, but keeping the total size of this game in mind, I don't think it would hurt ESO to focus on quality instead of quantity.
Feel free to disagree!
I'm saying, how are there even people in Skyrim if there are no male nords. Clearly there is some sort of cloning experiments going on in Blackreach we'll find out about.
Well, technically speaking, they only need one to keep the population going. As long as he can keep going anyway.
Well, technically speaking, they only need one to keep the population going. As long as he can keep going anyway.
Lord_Eomer wrote: »Fine with chapter releasing once a Year. Do not go frustrate over some bugs after updates.
This happens with every MMO out there.
1. Blackreach is 40% of the explorable space in the Greymoor chapter, it’s underground but that doesn’t make it any less part of the expansion.
2. Keep in mind that ESO is a B2P title with optional subscription
Sure, it’s recovered pretty well from its failed launch back in 2014 but it still has that shadow looming over it and it had to drop the subscription model to be console friendly.
ESO is one of the top played MMOs in the market but that doesn’t mean they have WoW money. Sacrifices were made.
I thought the elephant in the room was, well... I was pretty stoked about a viking-esque story, the trailer was awesome and gritty, and the assassins creed trailer recently pumped me up... I also had concerns though that all male nords would be portrayed as Righurts... I guess I don't need to worry about that as there aren't any male nord quest givers, well none that I've found. Are they all in Blackreach? Hiding in their toolsheds drinking mead? Maybe so far I've only done the quests where they are not. It kinda feels like Western Skyrim is the Amazons.
I am SO curious about how people know it was a failed launch. I've never seen any numbers, yet this idea comes up repeatedly.
ESO dropped the mandatory sub and launched the store less than a year after launch and amid development of new content that was in the pipeline. The decision must have been made many months prior, possibly before launch. Considering that console launch was always planned and requiring a sub on console is trickier than on PC, though not unheard of, I find it far more likely that B2P was always the plan, with the initial sub-only requirement a bait and switch approach to avoid the bad rap of F2P MMOs.
I disagree very strongly. I was there for the public betas and started playing during early access. There were a lot of issues initially: unchecked hordes of bots, item-duping exploits, broken skills, etc., but they were addressed relatively quickly and were not nearly as game-breaking as people claim. If anything, the biggest single hiccup of the first year was the infamous "lighting patch" of July 2014 which spearheaded the downward spiral of Cyrodiil performance.It was a failed launch because it was met with bad consumer and critical reception and for good reason. I saw the games potential but I won’t lie, the game was in bad shape at launch and clearly needed another year or two before release.
Go on the forums, reddit, or even YouTube and you’ll still see people cautious about trying it out because of how badly 2014 went for the game. People still have to say; “It’s ok to get into the game, it’s really good now”
Zenimax does not like male lead characters. Payed attention to any DLC dungeon ever? Always female characters that guide you and comment on boss fight mechanics. I do not understand this obsession with semi funny, soft behaved female characters. There is a clear Zenimax Character design recipe and if you pay attention, every female lead character they introduced in recent years is exactly the same kind of person.
I can hardly even tell their voices apart, because they behave and speak the exact same. It was nice when it started with the mothpriest in White Gold Tower. She was nice and good. But then every DLC lead that came after, was the exact same person, just so much more girly and weird.
Septimus_Magna wrote: »What good is a spread out zone with mountains, trees and villages when there is no content?
Remember when you first did Blackreach in Skyrim and had to haul all the stuff back to a vendor to sell it?
You cannot recreate that in ESO, teleport to a city and sell your stuff or simply summon a vendor.