Spartycuss wrote: »Performance patch is great, it's actually using all my cores now! whoop whoop, noticed an increase in fps! I actually get a locked 100 fps at 3440 x 1440!
Spartycuss wrote: »Performance patch is great, it's actually using all my cores now! whoop whoop, noticed an increase in fps! I actually get a locked 100 fps at 3440 x 1440!
Now try logging in.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Performance has always had its ups and downs. Since Harrowstorm launched in February, it’s been truly unacceptable, both on live servers and for the entire Greymoor PTS cycle. Going on 3 months now where all end game PVE and PVP is unplayable. Nobody can reasonably be expected to have this much patience.
WrathOfInnos wrote: »Performance has always had its ups and downs. Since Harrowstorm launched in February, it’s been truly unacceptable, both on live servers and for the entire Greymoor PTS cycle. Going on 3 months now where all end game PVE and PVP is unplayable. Nobody can reasonably be expected to have this much patience.
I find it funny when they finally add a roadmap.
They finally say they are focused <and have had several huge updates regarding performance>.
It turns out.....
They should have just let it be. It was better before they touched the game to "Address performance" with mass skill/item/hard drive space revamps.