So because its a "Complain about vampires" day, i thought i throw my penny here too.
Besides i have nothing better to do since im stuck on character load because inadequate login server capabilities.
Anyways... There are three ultimates on vampire. The base and its morphs.
To give us all options not to look like rubberduck, i propose this
-Base ultimate. this is the old school bat swarm without any transformation. I dont care about stats, i just want this.
-Morph1 is the blood scion with bats and still stats are for those who care about these. I dont play for best performance
-morph2 is vampire lord so those other people can have that as well because they want to have wings and levitate and be lords... Yet again i dont care about stats, but levitation could be part of new tanking buff on that ultimate to get major protection and immunity to snares.
I complained and now i go yto look at loading screen. Have fun.
>>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<